Aussie Sunsets | J.S

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"Millie! Hold up!" Jake exclaimed with a laugh from behind me as I ran out towards the waves with a loud laugh, "Millie!"

"No!" I yelled out before I even had a chance to move further he had already grabbed my waist and lifted me up in the air, "Jake Sim! You set me down this instant!"

"Are you done running from me then?" he questioned loudly.

"If you don't set me down, I'll whack ya with my board once you do," I screeched at him, attracting attention from everyone else at the beach.

"Then I'll just never set you down," he reminded, and I could hear the happiness in his voice behind me, making me sigh.

"What do you want?" I muttered in a tired tone.

"For you to wait for me, so we can find a place to place our things before getting into the water, and you need sunscreen as well," he pointed out to me.

"I put on sunscreen from home," I smugly grinned at my statement.

"I know that's not true," he pointed out to me making me sigh deeply.

"Okay, you got me... again," I muttered the last part, "just put me down, and I'll agree to go find a spot."

"Good," he replied before my feet finally touched the sand again and Jake went over to pick up our bags before walking back and throwing me mine.

Once he got back to me again he happily grabbed my hand and we began walking to find a place to place our things. Eventually we reached a small spot on the sand, where it was a good bit away from the water and everyone else, so we also could have some privacy, away from the child families.

"Can we go to the water now?" I questioned him as we had set down our things.

"I thought you wanted to go get your board first," he pointed out to me and I shook my head.

"First when the sun goes down," I replied to him.

"Right... but sunscreen first," he pointed out and held up the sunscreen in hand making me let out a sigh, "I know, I know. But you're not gonna get burnt again, like last winter."

"Fine," I sighed as we both got our clothes off to end up in our swimwear. For him it was only his t-shirt, but I also had my shorts to get off as well before I began rubbing on my sunscreen all around, "am I approved?"

"Turn around," he said and I did quick spin before he happily nodded at me, "so was it that bad to put on sunscreen?"

"No..." I muttered making him grin at me.

"Now, lets go," he urged and I nodded before setting into a sprint down to the water with him right on my heels.

I happily ran into the water, with the small waves splashing around me. I turned around and grinned as Jake were coming right for me, as he jumped out after me I immediately moved to the side, making him stomach flop on the water, which just earned a laugh from me as he stood up and swiped his wet hair out of his face. God he's good looking.

"What are you staring at?" he chuckled at me.

"You," I replied boldly.

"I'm that good looking, huh?" he smiled and I nodded.

"You bet you are," I nodded and he quickly reached out and wrapped an arm around my waist and placed a hand behind my neck.

"Is that so?" he chuckled and I nodded at him before he quickly moved me around and dipped me under the water, making me quickly gasp and inhale some water before quickly moving up above the water again, coughing out water before moving my hair out of my face again.

"Jake Sim!" I screeched at him as he just stood bent over laughing at me. I quickly huffed before pushing him back down under the water and quickly rushing off out further to the sea.

As I reached far enough away I quickly turned around and watched as he came running for me. I grinned and opened my arms as he reached me. I quickly jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck as my legs wrapped around his torso.

"That didn't go quite as planned," he admitted with a laugh, wrapping his arms around my waist as well. I grinned, knowing very well that now he wouldn't dip me as I had hit his small weakness. I smiled widely before quickly running my hands over my hair to keep it out of my face, before wrapping my arms back around his neck. When I looked back to him he just stared at me fondly.

"What are you staring at?" I arched a brow at him.

"You," he smiled widely this time, making me roll my eyes at him before leaning in and giving him a soft kiss.

"I know I'm irresistible," I grinned at him.

"You bet you are," he nodded before leaning back to give me another kiss.

When the evening had come around I had went to get my board from the small shed my family owned by the beach. We had both swum out to the sea and gotten up to sit across the board. Me in front of him, as he sat with arms wrapped around my waist as we sat and watched the sunset over the calm sea in front of us. We just sat in silence as he had placed his chin on my shoulder.

"I wish it could always be like this," I sighed and he hummed in agreement, "I don't want you leaving."

"I might come back, if I'm not good enough," he assured me, with a small rub on my belly.

"But you are good enough," I sighed and leaned my head back on his shoulder.

"Maybe," he shrugged and I breathed out at him, "I'm gonna miss you... I'll miss this."

"Me too," I nodded in agreement.

"You know... I love you," he muttered placing a kiss on my bare shoulder.

"I love you too," I smiled softly at the sunset before he placed his chin back on my shoulder again.

Words: 1043

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