Sad Cactus | Y.Jw

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I'm so sorry, I can't find the message who requested this. But someone requested a break up prank with Wonie, and as always, I deliver! Hope you enjoy!

It was quiet in your small dorm as your laptop rested on your lap. You had promised yourself you should be studying tonight, but one small notification on your phone had stopped you from doing it. It had been none other than your cute little boba eyed boyfriend who had happily texted you that he was gonna stream to all the Engenes while he repotted his cactuses.

So there you sat, your duvet wrapped around you, your laptop in your lap as you quietly watched Jungwon sit and happily talk while he attempted to repot his cactuses. Mind you he ATTEMPTED. Poor Injang would for sure be staying in your dorm until it had grown a root again.

As you watched Jungwon proudly show the polaroid of Maeumi in the back of his phone case your cousin's idea rung out in your head. Now you knew that Jungwon had his phoen on him, it could never really hurt for you to try that prank your cousin told you about. Besides you and Jungwon were always trying to tease, mock or prank the other in some way. It was just your way of saying "I love you".

You carefully got out your phone as you glanced at the screen. Quickly typing out a message you hesitated for a short time before sending it. No matter what you knew it would end up giving you a short moment in which you would see him for the first time in two months, due to his heavy schedule.

'Can we talk later?'

As the ding appeared on the stream in front of you an immense amount of guilt immediately hit you. You already knew now that that text would be bothering him for the rest of his live and until he stood out in front of your door or called you.

Sure enough a frown grew on Jungwon's face as he checked the message before glancing up at the camera, immediately typing out an answer that soon dinged in on your phone.

'Of course'

You watched as Jungwon slowly composed himself again, playing it off with him concentrating on his cactuses before he happily smiled up at the camera once again. You knew he kept thinking of that text and it kept bothering until Jake had called him telling him to hurry home after finishing the live.

"Oh hyung... I can't rush home, I have to go do that thing," Jungwon reminded. 

"Go do that thing"  

The same sentence that they always used when Jungwon had to go do something involving you. Calling you, texting you, visiting you. Anything he had to do with you or anything that had anything to do with you was refered to as "that thing". It had always made the fans believed it was something with possible new content or comeback.

Eventually you had ended up turning off the live and you computer. You couldn't keep watching him without feeling guilty, you had to do something else, get your minds off of things. You didn't even know if you could follow through with the prank, you didn't want to hurt his feelings or risk him actually breaking up with you because of it.

You didn't get much time to contemplate what to do before you heard the front door to your dorm open. Right he had a key, you forgot about that. The way the door closed again, in the utmost quiet way, already signalled to you that he was scared of what was to come. It was impressive how good you were at reading him even without seeing him.

"Love?" even his voice was close to trembling by how careful he was with that nickname.

You carefully poked your head out to look at him, his eyes immediately softening once he saw you. Without a second thought Jungwon just marched over to you and hugged you tightly.

"What is it? Is everything good?" Jungwon eagerly questioned as he looked at you and you carefully removed his arms from around you and sucked in a deep breath. If this was gonna end your relationship then you were gonna end your cousin's life, that's for sure.

"I've been... I think we should break up," you slowly spoke and immediately Jungwon's face dropped.

The face that was full of worry and concern just before was suddenly filled with shock, fear and sadness. Looking into his eyes you could see everything shatter. He was absolutely heartbroken and you knew it within a heartbeat.

"Wh... what?" a small mumble came from him before you saw tears well up in his eyes and that's when it all had to come to an end, ain't no way you were seeing him cry.

"I'm so sorry," you immediately breathed out and pulled him in for a tight hug, which he didn't even reply, "it was just some stupid prank and my cousin made me do it. I wouldn't dare break up with you, are you insane? But I get if you want to break up now, because this wasn't fair and you're probably hurt."

"A... a prank?" Jungwon whispered and you immediately nodded as you just hugged him tighter, "yah!" he exclaimed and pushed you off of him, "how dare you?" he immediately complained as he wiped his tears a small smile forming on his face, "this is not what our prank competition was supposed to be!"

"I made you cry?" you questioned in shock and he just nodded at you.

"Of course you did," he commented with a small sniffle as a small smile stayed on his face, "do you have any idea how much I fear losing you because of my career?"

"But I would never leave you," you quietly whispered and he just nodded before pulling something white out of his pocket.

"But as punishment you have to look after Injang until it can live again," Jungwon stated making you just stare at him before sighing and grabbing the small white napkin from him and placing it on the table.

"I feel terrible," you complained and just pressed your face against his shoulder before he slowly patted your back.

"You should," he stated and you just softly hit his shoulder, making a small laugh escape from him, "be thankful I could see the fun in this, otherwise I would've broken up with you anyways."

"I know," you grumbled into his shoulder.

"How about I stay the night? We can stay in and cuddle and watch movies. It's been a while since we watched Aladdin," he pointed out and pulled off his jacket as you let go of him.

"I was supposed to study," you mumbled as you just watched him place his jacket beside Injang on your kitchen table.

"Well... then let's study cuddling," he offered and grabbed your hand before pulling you with him out to your sleeping sofa, "oh and one more thing. I think you owe to tell me something," he stated and stopped in his tracks as he turned to you with an expectating look on his face.

"What?" you questioned in confusion, a small smirk immediately growing on his face.

"Oh come on... I know you know what I mean," he urged as a small smile slowly grew on your face.

"I love you," you softly spoke and he grinned widely.

"Good, I love me too," he stated and pecked your lips before you let out a loud groan as he pulled you along with him.

"You never get tired of that one, do you?" you questioned making him let out a small laugh and shake his head.

"And you'll hear it until the day I die, simply because I love teasing you," he assured and pulled you down with him onto your sleeping sofa.

Right into his warm embrace that you loved so much.

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