Treason Pt. 2 | Y.Jw

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The second day the sun didn't shine in his room. Jungwon was instead woken by the three boring knocks on his door, making him slowly rise in his bed as the maid opened his door and carefully glanced over at Jungwon, who still was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"The desk," he replied before the maid even could ask him.

A surprised look washed over the maid's face as she simply nodded and placed his breakfast on his desk. Jungwon merely spared his breakfast a glance before he pushed himself up from his bed and instead turned to his balcony, where the heavy rain from yesterday still was falling down in heavy loads.

Today was the day.

He had everything planned out. He knew just how he was going to follow through with his plan. Yet, he still felt a conflict inside of him. Surely he didn't want to die, but he didn't want to live with the consience of your life on him.

Even though he was only dressed in his pajamas, Jungwon opened the doors to his balcony and stepped out into the heavy rain. For the first time ever he didn't sit in his usual chair, he sat in yours. The moment he had leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes the reenaction of your beheading played once again, making him let out a heavy sigh.

He could still remember the first day he met you. For decades it had been common for the royals to bring in these so-lcalled "entertainers", which in the basic was people they kept around for their own entertainment. His dad had taken a weird liking to the misfigured people of the country, and that meant a good dusin of those was wandering around the south-eastern tower, where these entertainers were supposed to live. Where you used to live as well.

You and your family had been brought in ages ago, you couldn't have been more than 7 that very day, when it had also rainsed this heavily as well. All three of you were soaked. Your mom, dad and you. His dad might've always had an odd liking to misfigured people, seeing them as entertainers, but his dad had also had a deep rooted hatred for your kind. The so called gypsies. The street performers.

It had been years in your family to perform on the street, bringing joy and happiness to the sad and miserable workers around the many cities your family had been in along with the rest of the gypsy community they had belonged to. You were no different, having been raised to be these street entertainers as well. There was few things in the category of gypsy entertainment you couldn't do, but you were at no doubt best at magic illusions, music and dance.

Had it not been for his mom you would've been burned that very same night, along with your mom and dad. As his dad rightfully thought you were deserving of. However, his mom had always disliked the use of misfigured people for entertainent. Using people's looks for entertainment was something that fell ill with her. However you, a kid with so many talents, you intrigued her, and so you were allowed to live as the Queen's entertainment for years on end.

Jungwon used to come along whenever his mom would tell him she was going to see if she could find you. When Jungwon's dad had accepted of you being an entertainer for his wife, he had never imagined his son would've taken a liking to you. A liking that had given you both a friendship for life since the very first day you enchanted Jungwon with your small magic illusions. He had always been eager to learn those, but as you used to say "a magician never reveals their secret"... that is until they're accused of treason and sentenced to beheading.

A small smile somehow grew on Jungwon's face as he remebered how you had insisted on teaching him a few of your tricks when he had visited you down in the dungeons. You hadn't been mad at him then, like you expected him to. Instead you showed an understanding of why he had done what he did. Yet he still heard your muffled begs for forgiveness whenever he left the dungeons. 

Forgiveness for a crime you didn't commit, but he would commit in less than an hour. Less than an hour and he would've made himself deserving of the punishment you were given.

He knew, he knew all those years ago that if he was to become your friend, which he really wanted from the first time he saw you. Your looks had been so intriuging to him, the aura that rested around you felt so curious and foreign to him. He still remembered the first day you agreed to become his friend, when you both were 10.

All those days you spent together ever since, was uncountable. It had at least been everyday he himself had been at the castle. The days he had been with his dad on some boring trip had always been so dull. Not seeing your happy smiling face every morning, or hearing your laugh when you were goofing around with him.

Letting out a deep sigh Jungwon imagined your face for him once again and was sure he could feel your hand slip into his, as if you were trying to stop him from the other side of life. But he didn't listen nonetheless.

Jungwon calmly moved back into his room and got dressed in his usual black dress pants, his white button up shirt and his usual blazer. Another glance, filled with disgust, was spared for his food that stood on his desk.

The last thing Jungwon grabbed before leaving his room was his belt, the one where his sheath and sword was attached. It seemed all wrong with his clothes that something as old and traditional as a sheath and sword hung down his left leg, but in Jungwon's mind it was all right. It was just as it should be.

Walking to his dad's quarters, Jungwon bowed his head to the guards that stood outside his dad's room. They didn't even spare him another thought, after all he was their king now that his dad decided to step down a year ago. Seems like his sister might have to take the throne now.

"Good morning," his dad nonchalantly spoke from his tea table, where he was enjoying his own breakfast.

"Morning," Jungwon muttered.

"Is there anothre duty you're incapable of?" his dad questioned, not even looking at his son.

"I don't believe so, no," Jungwon shook his head.

"Then why would you bother me in the middle of my breakfa-" Jungwon didn't let his dad finish.

In a loud swooshing motion Jungwon had pulled his sword and held the sharp end up at his dad's throat.

"What is this?" his dad sighed and placed his mug down on the table once more.

"Something I should've done a year ago," Jungwon hissed, "you killed them. You made me come up with those accusations."

"I don't think you understand the danger they are to a monarchy like ours," his dad sighed.

"I am fully aware of the danger you saw. But they would never have done that," Jungwon shook his head in denial, "and now you'll die for their innocence."

His dad took in a sharp breath as Jungwon raised the sword, ready to behead his own dad like he had given the orders to behead yours.

However, the sword never fell at his dad's neck. Jungwon's arms were grabbed from behind by two guards, making Jungwon fight in the grip. Even if this was the plan from the start he had a burning wish to kill his dad in that very moment.

The sword was soon pried out of Jungwon's hands, making a loud cling sound out in the room as it hit the floor. The same time his dad rose to his feet.

"I should've known you were a weak character ever since you got a good eye to that dirty gypsy," his dad spat towards Jungwon, who was way too busy trying to kill his dad with his eyes, "and now you've committed treason towards your own dad, bringing shame not only upon this country but your family. You shall suffer the punishment as that disgusting friends of yours."

Jungwon smiply smirked at the thought of his head being laid on that tree block, wishing that day could come sooner than later.

"Gladly," Jungwon spoke with a coy sound to his voice.

Words: 1445

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