Your Notes | J.S

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Requested by hiiikaru , but also a birthday day chapter for HobiArmy1994 (because the request was pretty damn cute and I knew you would love it)

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Requested by hiiikaru , but also a birthday day chapter for HobiArmy1994 (because the request was pretty damn cute and I knew you would love it)

In the front of the class, just two tables ahead of you sat the ever so dazzling smart Jake Sim. Not to be confused with his two friends, sitting in the back not giving a care for the lecture. But in front Jake Sim sat, raising his hand with almost every possible answer the teacher would want, as if he knew exactly what they wanted to hear.

Maybe it was just Jake's secret superpower, knowing exactly what people wanted to hear. It had worked on you so far. Whenever you had to do group projects he always somehow managed to push in something or some comment that would make your cheeks redden. Just maybe it was those small acts and words that had made butterflies start swarming in your stomach whenever you saw him, and that's exactly why you sat two tables behind him. Then you could always see him and have the pleasant feeling of those butterflies in your stomach.

You would think a boy like Jake Sim would have all the girls falling at his feet, but they didn't, it was more his two friends at the back of the class that had girls falling for them. No, Jake went fairly ignored by all girls, you had come to the conclusion that it was because people thought he focused too much on his studies. A reason that surely wasn't the case for you.

You on the other hand could get math class to pass by with the thought of study dates in the lod library or over a hot chocolate in one of the cute cafés around the corner of the school. Physics always passed with the thought of having Jake to tutor you, it wasn't exactly what you were best at after all...

"Class is dismissed," the teacher's voice rung out loud and clear in your ears.

Immediately scrambling to your feet you rushed to grab your things, wanting to get out of the class as one of the first people. Somehow you had convinced yourself that the faster you get out of class the less obvious it would be that you were completely infatuated with Jake Sim.

Keeping your head down you rushed down the hallways and down towards yours locker, praynig for there to be yet another of the many sweet notes you'd been getting the past few weeks. 

Unbeknownst to you there was a very frantic Jake back in the classroom after he had seen you leave in such a hurry. He had to hurry up he was gonna beat you to your locker, he had to get there first. Which is why he already had a small yellow note clutched tightly in his hand when he ran out of the classroom and down towards your locker.

It had been too long for him now. Too long since he had noticed you in the class, always sitting behind him. How often he wanted to turn around and just smile at you, but never really gained the courage to do so. Everything about you just drew him in, the way you so silently just did whatever you had to do in a group project, how you never really seemed to be going after befriending new people (finding enough values in the ones you already had, even though they might be limited), there was something about you he couldn't pin point. Something he was addicted to.

You were slow to open your locker when you actually reached it. Somehow it made you believe that the slower you were at opening it, the bigger the chance of a note was. Yet when the locker door swung open you were only left with disappointment. No note anywhere.

A small huff escaped you as you quietly switched out your litterature books with your history books, dreading the thought of having to go down and sit in the class with your history teacher, who was an old hag if we needed that to be clarified.

Jake's heart on the other hand dropped the moment he saw you with your open locker. Immediately putting him in an eternal conflict, was he going to give you the note now or not? For a moment you leaned back and revealed your profile to him for just a second. A second was long enough for him to decide you needed that note. The way your eyes looked so emotionless and the corners of your mouth pointed down slightly.

Rushing up behind your locker door quickly Jake placed the note at the top of the locker, letting it tip over and flow down in front of your eyes.

Your heart stopped for a moment as you watched the yellow note fall down on top of your notes, immediately opening it to the familiar hand writing and cheesy message you had been loving to get for days now.

In a rush your locker had slammed shut and your eyes glued to the first back you saw walking away from your locker. From having a stopped heart it immediately set into a marathon of fast beats. Was it really Jake Sim who had been leaving these notes for you? You had to know.

"Jake?" your voice in itself was enough to stop Jake in his tracks, you didn't even have to say his name.

He immediately halted in his steps as he slowly turned and looked at you with a small nod. Without a word you raised the yellow note in hand and raised your eyebrows, as if to ask him if he was the one who was leaving the notes. A second's contemplation from Jake resulted in him quietly nodding and looking down at the ground as if it was an ashamed puppy.

Your world stopped immediately. The boy you had been wildly crushing on for months now had been leaving you small love notes in your locker. Meanwhile Jake felt like the world was spinning around him, you had finally figured out it was him.  

"I just... I like you," Jake quietly admitted. Luckily he was standing no more than two meters away from him, which meant you still could hear his voice, "a lot..."

The silence that followed his small confession made him immediately panic and he was about to backtrack hsi confession with some excuse. But he never got the chance, you had been quicker at gathering enough courage to softly peck his cheek, making his face go red immediately. Almost like in cartoons when they blush or get mad and the red color rises up from their neck.

Jake's eyes widened as he focused on the floor right behind you, trying to comprehend what just had happened befor directing his eyes up to look at your face. You were softly smiling before looking down at the note and shoving it into your pocket, like you always did with the notes. You had a box for them at home, which you collected them in.

"Y-you like me too?" Jake questioned in shock, and you had never been more thankful for his intelligence to read people just like that. You didn't trust your voice to talk so you just nodded at him, making a wide and excited grin spread on his face, "does that mean I can take you out on a date?" once again, no trust in your voice, you just nodded again, "okay uhm... Saturday, 1pm, meet me at uhm... the library?"

Your butterflies were really going wild in your stomach at his offer and you nodded with a happy smile. Jake let out a small giggle of disbelief. He had finally gotten the girl of his dreams meanwhile you had gotten the boyfriend puppy you had been wanting ever since you saw Jake for the first time.

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