That Place | J.P

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I'm so sorry for the long wait for this request. I've tried to make it as good as I possibly could and I really hope you love it khakifatema 

It had been a normal day for you when you had walked through the usual forrested path you had to walk to get home from school. It wasn't that you couldn't go any other way, you could, but this path was just faster than any other.

To say it mildly today had been one hell of a day to say the least. Seeing the boy you've been crazy over since 2nd grade snogging some bimbo girl in the hallway wasn't exactly how you imagined a Monday going.

It wasn't that you were crying, you felt a tad bit too numb to even think of crying. Sure you were on your way home but to be completely honest you didn't feel in the mood for being asked how your day was and if something excited happened at school. You just weren't gonna answer those questions right now. You also knew if you answered that your day was fine you would then be questioned why you said it in that tone and if you're sure if it was fine. You just didn't feel in that mood right now.

"If life is one bit on my side give me a hideout for the next hour or so," you let out a sigh as you continued to drag your feet along the small path that led to your street.

For once in your whole life, okay maybe you're a bit dramatic but it sure felt like it. For once it seemed that the universe were just a tiny bit on your side. Becuase once you looked up again you immediately spotted a small treehouse in a tree rigt in front of you. 

It was one of those small treehouses everyone had a friend that built when they were in kindergarten or in the early school years. At least it initially looked like that until you got closer to it. But once you were close enough you could see that this treehouse was not some poorly built construction with nails sticking out in a dangerous way. On the other hand it was neatly built, symmetrical, and actually looked safe to a certain point.

You didn't really remember taking the decision but you somehow found yourself climbing up the ladder and lifting the trapdoor that lead up into the treehouse. The interior was much like how you remembered treehouses looking like, aside from the fact that the pillows in it looked fairly clean and like it was recently.

"Surely the owner won't mind me just resting a bit in here... it's not like they own the property," you muttered and crawled up inside and threw yourself in the small pile of pillows that was situated in one corner.

You weren't aware of how long you spent just laying in that pile of pillows thinking about what you even were doing with your life by now. You didn't really want to go to school anymore, you wanted to do something else. But it wasn't exactly like you could just say "see ya never!" to the school. At least not yet.

You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't hear the trapdoor open once again and the small gasp that escaped the person crawling up into their treehouse. It was first when they cleared that they caught you off guard. Never before had you scrambled your things together so quickly and held them so close to your chest as you looked at the boy in front of you.

"I am terribly sorry! I just needed a place to rest and I saw this treehouse and... I promise I didn't take or ruin anything I just laid here," you quickly rambled making a small smile spread on the boy's lips, and it was first then you realized you both wore the same school uniform.

"It's fine," the boy assured, "just next time maybe... how about we agree on you using the treehouse once in a while... but not all the time. Just come to me in school and tell me, okay?"

"Okay..." you slowly trailed off.

"If you can't find me just ask after a Jay or a Park Jongseong, then I'll be at your service," he offered and you slowly nodded at him.

"I uhm... I guess I better be going Jongseong... or Jay... or whatever you like to be called," you excused and rushed over to the trapdoor and almost just jumped down instead of using the ladder.

Once you hurried away from the treehouse you could hear a yell after you, informing that the boy preferred to be referred to as Jay.

Over the net few weeks you learned exactly who to ask for Jay, and all the times you asked he actually let you stay at the treehouse even if he was going to be there as well. By now you had both begun referring to it as "that place" to hide from everyone where the treehouse was or where the two of you often disappeared to.

Not to mention how you often just went to the treehouse just because you enjoyed his company. It was probably the best company you had been in in a long time. You enjoyed how calm and logic he was, but you also loved his humour and his laugh. There was just something about it that always brightened up your day.

"Knock knock knock," you let out a small laugh as you flipped over the trapdoor and poked your head up into the treehouse, where you immediately locked eyes with Jay, "fancy seeing you here, come here often?" you questioned in amusement and hoisted yourself up.

"In fact I do," Jay let out a small laugh and looked back at his book as you closed the trapdoor and quickly rushed over to sit beside him, looking into the book he was reading.

"You're doing homework now?" you questioned with a look of disgust on your face.

"I do," Jay nodded and wrote some notes down in the notebook on the other side of him.

You let out a deep exaggerated sigh before throwing your head down onto his shoulder while wondering how you would get your time to pass.

"You sound bored," Jay commented and you just nodded at him.

"I don't sound bored. I am bored," you clarified making him let out a small laugh.

"Then let's go for ice cream and we can return to our place afterwards," Jay offered and closed his books as you lifted your head and looked at him with big eyes, "my treat... what do you say?"

"Are you asking me on a date?" you questioned, mostly as a joke even though you had a small hope in you syaing that he would say 'yes'.

"If you want it to be... and don't pick mint chocolate ice cream," Jay pointed out with a small nod.

"Damn I was in mood for mint choco," you commented with a small smile, making Jay let out a small laugh and roll his eyes at you, "I'm kidding... let's go on our date," you urged and shuffled over towards the trapdoor.

"Wait... really?" Jay questioned as a small smile spread on his face and you just nodded, "you let me take you on a date date? Like not a friendly date but an... I'm genuinely head over heels for you date?"

"I know you're head over heels for me," you cheekily replied as Jay shuffled over towards you and just smiled widely as he opened the trapdoor.

"After you milady," Jay cooed making you grin widely.

Once again you barely used the ladder to get down, the same did Jay. You stood quietly waiting for him on the path as Jay closed the trapdoor and walked over towards you. He let his hand slide into yours and intertwine our fingers before tugging you along to the nearest ice cream parlor. 

You sent a small glance back towards the treehouse before it disappeared of sight. You smiled softly at the memories you have made there with Jay over the past few weeks at that place. Your place.

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