Crescent | Y.Jw

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Currently book work in progress

Down the alleyway, behind me, I could still hear the dogs barking. I was in deep trouble, and I knew that. But when wasn't I in deep trouble? It all started when my sister got that boyfriend of hers.

How can a whole family turn on their own blood over some newcomer?

I swiftly threw my dufflebag behind a trashcontainer, kicking it long enough in for the police to not see it and for me to retrieve it some day whenever I would have the possibility to do so.

I hurriedly glanced back over my shoulder, skimming the red and blue lights just around the corner I had just rounded. 

You know, of all the hobbies I had gotten, maybe trespassing, vandalation and art wasn't the best combo. Deciding I had enough time I abruptly stopped in the alleyway with the red can I held in hand. 

I quickly did my signature of a crescent moon before throwing the can from me and rushing further down the alleyway.

"Woah, woah, woah," disappearing from nowhere a boy's voice echoed out as they stopped me by myshoulders, "where are you going?"

"Let me move," I hurriedly urged, getting another pair of hands on me to hold me back.

As I glanced up I was quickly met by two boys around my own age. They were similarly dressed to me. Both of them wore these black cargo pants, but one of them was wearing a white hoodie with what what looked like a white t-shirt over it, meanwhile the other had just a black zip up hoodie on - revealing a small bit of a white shirt underneath.

"Who are you running from?" the one in the black hoodie questioned.

"The police, now let me move," I urged and tried to push my way through.

"We can help you from the police if you help us," the other one, with the white hoodie spoke up.

"Make it quick, I don't have all evening," I sighed deeply.

"You can come with us to safety from the police if you tell us where the Crescent is hiding," the white hoodie offered making me just look up at him in disbelief. His white hood pulled up over his head cast enough of a shadow for me to not see his features properly.

"Are you blind? It's right there?" I murmured and pointed to where I had painted just moments before.

"Where's the artist now?" the black hoodie questioned, making it equally as difficult to see his facial features as white hoodie.

"You think that has been there for more than thirty seconds?" I answered with a deadpan voice, "you're looking at the artist."

"Holy shit, we found them," the black hoodie murmured in shock and looked towards white hoodie.

"Alright, you're coming with us," white hoodie stated and quickly wrapped his arm around my shoulder before pushing me along with him, rushing to get us away before the police turned the corner after us.

They had me take off my hoodie to make me harder to identify for the police, only leaving me shivering in my longsleeved shirt. But I guess I understood why they had me do it.

It first really got shady when they walked me down to a van and threw the side door open. This was when I paused in my steps and glanced between the two hoodies.

"Come on, we promised you a safe place from the police," the white hoodie urged.

"How do I know you're not taking me somewhere to rape and murder me?" I questioned hesitantly as I kept glancing between them.

"Because... we've been looking for the Crescent for weeks now, why would we murder them when we finally found them?" the black hoodie questioned with a small chuckle.

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