City Lights | Y.Jw

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Requested by Jung_wonted 

I still remember the day everything started. It wasn't new that Jungwon got crushes, he always gushed about the next pretty girl to me, and I didn't mind. I had sort of learned to move on from him by now, gushing just as much about pretty boys to him as well. I had just never expected him to actually confess to one of these "crushes".

But he did, he confessed and now she tags along to EVERYTHING. I swear I don't have anything against Taehee herself, but it just seems she has a need to insert herself in absolutely everything Jungwon and I do together. I don't even remember the last time Jungwon and I did something as platonical as helping each other with homework, without her being there.

Not to mention how nausiating she sometimes can be, comparing their handsizes just so she could hold his hand, kissing his lips nonstop, clinging onto him every second we didn't sit in class. Sure I was clingy once in a while, but like... I know how to give the boy some space.

"Oh, you actually came to school today," Taehee commented as I sat down by Jungwon's and I's usual lunch table.

I frowned at her in confusion, before glancing to Jungwon, whose arm was in a tight grip by Taehee.

"Despite the pure capitalism that is the school system, why wouldn't I come?" I remarked and she smiled a mocking and amused grin towards me.

"You haven't heard what everyone says about you?" she questioned and I frowned at her.

"What are they saying then?" I questioned and poked to my food in front of me.

"That you're desperate to get into Park Sunghoon's pants and stalks him on a daily basis," she stated and I just blinked a few times at her before looking at Jungwon, who had directed his gaze towards the table in front of him as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"And that started overnight?" I questioned Taehee and she just nodded at me.

"I saw it in the group chats and all," she hummed as she nonchalantly looked down at her food.

"Well, that's complete bullshit, and if anyone thinks it's true they're dumber than I thought," I commented, "I never spoke to the boy and I don't even know where he lives."

"You say he's pretty though," Jungwon mumbled and I turned my eyes towards him before something in my head clicked.

"Un-fucking-believeable," I murmured as I dropped my chopsticks and Jungwon quickly glanced up at him, while I just stared at him in disbelief, "you told her about the boys I have found pretty in the past and now your precious little girlfriend goes around and spreads those rumours about me, isn't that right?"

"She didn't spread anything," Jungwon stated.

"Okay... so you started it, hm?" I hummed and quirked my eyebrows at him, "who else in this fricking school knows that I found Park Sunghoon attractive? Who else Jungwon?"

"I didn't start the stupid rumour," Jungwon defended, "and even if it's a rumour, isn't it true? Everytime he passes you look at him as if he's a god himself!"

"Have you seen the boy?" I exclaimed at him in a hushed tone, making sure no one else heard, "yes he is incredibly handsome, a greek god himself. But whoever spread that fucking rumour is wrong. I don't want anything to do with Park Sunghoon, nor do I stalk him."

"Oh my god, just admit that you're like every other girl," Jungwon rolled his eyes, "the rumours are true and you know it."

"Will you even listen to me?" I exclaimed at him, actually standing up from my spot, "of all people in this horrible school I would expect you to believe me when I say that those rumours aren't true. But who is surprised that you side with that terrible girlfriend of yours? Absolutely no one."

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