Chapter Two: Magical Melodies

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Marinette sat with a pink electric guitar in her lap, watching as Luka demonstrated what to do. She was simply in awe as to how it was just second nature to him. His fingers slid across the frets as his other hand picked the necessary strings, sometimes even picking two or three strings at once.

Her eyes and words are so icy, oh but she burns like rum on a fire.

Luka's voice was soft, always matching the correct melody. As he changed the chord pattern to suit the pre-chorus, his eyes met Marinette's while he sung. She decided to surprise him.

The way she tells me I'm hers and she's mine.
Open hand or closed fist would be fine.
The blood is rare and sweet as Cherry Wine.

Marinette allowed her eyes to close as she swayed to the gentle sounds of the Cherry Wine instrumental. With the final strum of the g chord, Luka looked over at Marinette with his eyes glistening.

"Mari, you never told me you could sing! Your voice is beautiful, you should sing more often," He explained, his gaze never straying from the blue eyes he always loved looking into.

The bluenette just shrugged. A translucent pink carpeted her cheeks as she smiled.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Teach me that, the instrumental for Cherry Wine is so pretty!" Marinette rambled, her hands flailing about in an attempt of getting gestures across.

"How about I teach you the basics first, okay? Cherry Wine's pretty hard and even I stuff up trying to play it sometimes," Luka explained, grabbing Mari's hands and setting them back where they should be on the guitar.

Luka's calloused fingers felt foreign yet comforting upon her own. The last time she remembered being in such a proximity to her favourite teal-streaked guitarist was when he held her as she cried over her responsibilities.

Of course, he didn't know that half of the stress was because she was Ladybug, but she couldn't exactly tell him that. As well as being the new guardian of the miraculous, Hawkmoth grew stronger with Mayura at his side.

She gave him a weak smile and looked down to the neck of the guitar. She placed her index finger on the second fret of the fifth string and her middle finger on identical fret of the fourth.

"E minor, yes?" she asked curiously, hoping she had gotten one thing right about guitar.

"Yes! However you do want to press down a little harder on the strings or else you-" He was cut off by the very twangy strum of the guitar. Both of them winced as the sound rattled their ears.

After the vibrating strings stopped making the horrendous sound, they looked at each other deep in the eyes. It was almost as if they were reading each other's mind. They both wanted to do the same thing, but were resisting for some reason. Luka was the first to give in to temptation.

He laughed. Not his usual chuckle either, but it was a genuine laugh that made his cheeks hurt and his face go red. Marinette joined soon after, covering her mouth as she giggled.

"You two finally going to answer me when you're done or what?" a voice mumbled from the doorway. It was Juleka, her once long hair now shoulder-length. The ends were still dyed her signature purple and her fringe still remained over her eye, but the big chop made her look like a completely new person.

"Sorry Jules, what did you need?" Luka asked, his face tingling from the aching in his cheeks.

"Well it's like, 6:30 and Mum said dinner's nearly ready. But that was about five minutes ago, so get up lovebirds I'm starving!" Juleka whined as she turned on her heel and almost ran back to where the aroma of cheesy bolognese was wafting from. Marinette's face flushed red at the comment of them being lovebirds.

"Oh, I didn't realise it had gotten so late. I'm sorry Luka but i'm really going to have to get home. Maman and Papa are probably waiting for me and I-"

"Relax," Luka had cut her off this time, however not with twangy guitar chords. "Your mother called in earlier and said you can stay tonight. She thought you deserved a night out after all the work you've been putting in at the school lately," he explained calmly, going to the corner of the room and grabbing a pink duffel bag and two pillows.

Surely enough, there was pyjamas and fresh clothes as well as a towel, toiletries, skin care products and her toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Oh wow! I'll ring Maman later and give tell her thank you," Marinette replied, taking her bag and turning towards the door.

"Where are you going Mari? You're sleeping in here," Luka remarked, a smirk drawn on his face.

"I- You- Here? Tonight? But there's only one bed!" She exclaimed, her face quickly turning red.

"Or so you thought," He responded, before leaning down beside his bed and lifting his dark teal comforter. On the side of the bed, Marinette could see a silver handle that looked as if it didn't quite belong there.

As soon as she had realised the handle was there, Luka had pulled on it and another bed slid out onto the floor. It was already fitted with a light blue sheet and there was a folded white comforter in the corner.

"I'm staying on the floor-bed, you're taking mine," Luka explained before he moved his pillows down the the lower resting place.

"It's quite alright Luka, I can take the bottom one. It's the least I can do seeing as I'm invading your room," Marinette reassured the raven haired boy, before closing her eyes and smelling the aroma of the dinner that was probably being served right now.

"We'll discuss who is sleeping where after dinner, for now..." Luka stepped closer to Marinette and she started to feel worried. He launched her onto his back for a piggyback ride. "Wherever shall we go Mademoiselle?"

"To the food, my noble steed!" She said through giggles as she pointed forwards, indicating for Luka to move. She barely had to duck under the door to Luka's room before they were out on the deck of the houseboat.

With her legs wrapped around his torso, she leaned forward so her chest was against his back and her head was on his shoulder. The two of them laughed as they continued to carry on like children. Finally, they made it to the dining area where Juleka and Rose were setting the table.

This was going to be interesting...

You're Stuck in my Head//A Lukanette Story [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now