Chapter Sixteen: Nightmare Fuel

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He looked down to see his bare feet covered with the thick, red liquid. His head spun as panic set in. He looked back to Marinette to see a tall figure standing in front of her. The figure had a staff through her chest, blood spilling from the wound. Luka screamed, the girl he loved falling to the ground as Hawkmoth removed his staff from her chest.

"If only you were there to protect her," The man laughed, kicking the girl's defenseless body to face Luka. Her cheeks were stained with tears, a wound on her forehead oozing blood as her lifeless eyes were glazed over and cloudy. He knelt to her. grabbing her limp figure and holding her to his chest.

That was when he realised what the two of them were wearing. She was in an A-line, white lace dress. The sleeve's hugged her shoulders, the chiffon now forever stained red. His form was surrounded by a navy blue suit, a white lily hanging from the pocket on the left side of his chest. Then it clicked.

It was their wedding day.

Luka carefully but the cold body he was holding to his side and stood up to face the man that had took his one love away, only to realise that he was gone. He turned back to see Marinette's corpse standing right in front of him. He was mortified, her skin whiter than snow and her lips purple from the lack of blood.

"Why did you let him get me?" She asked, her voice laced with hurt and anger. Her clouded eyes stared into his soul and sent chills down his spine. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he shook his head. He tried to talk, tried to say anything but nothing came out of his mouth.

"Why did you tell him I was Ladybug? Why did you help him?" She yelled, her anger fully taking over and her tone displaying no remorse for what she said. Black tears fell down her face and onto her dress.

"I trusted you!" She screamed, her open hand colliding with Luka's face. The impact made his skin sting and as she looked back to his love, a knife had appeared in her hand. As much as he hated to do so, he ran from the bluenette.


He continued running until he could no more, his legs buckling underneath him. He cried as he crawled away from the knife-wielding Marinette. He held his hand out in front of him, his sobs seeming so loud yet so silent. Marinette's eyebrows furrowed as she lunged towards him, Luka bracing himself for the impact.


Rage took over the animated corpse as she dug the knife into Luka's thigh, twisting it as it entered. The blue and black haired boy tried to scream in pain, but nothing came out except for a near silent squeak. Next knife entry was his arm, then a slice across the cheek before the final stab to his stomach. Marinette's corpse laughed before falling to the ground once more.


His eyes shot open and he gasped for air. He felt his thigh and his face for any pain but alas, there was no injury. His eyes darted around the room, trying to get an understanding of where he was. The pink walls instantly gave a comforting feeling to him, knowing he was in Marinette's room.

In front of him, the petite girl sat at his side, holding his face and wiping away his tears. Worry was drawn all over her face, her eyes coloured with concern. He instinctively pulled her closer to him and embraced her tightly, never wanting to let her out of his sight ever again. He sobbed into her shoulder, mumbling endless apologies.

Although she didn't know exactly what happened, she couldn't imagine what must have been bad enough to make him cry in his sleep. Marinette rubbed his back and made gentle shushing sounds in an attempt to calm him. He pulled away from her, tears slowing in production and eventually stopping as the last rolled off of his cheek.

"You were there, then not and then you came back. You were dead and you came back and you hated me. I'm sorry," He rambled, his hands shaking as he tried to gesture what happened. She cupped his cheek and rubbed his cheekbone gently. He finally calmed down after a while and told Marinette everything.

He told her about the start with the staff through her chest and the blood pooling at his feet. Everything that was said was told verbatim. Marinette couldn't help but tackle him in a massive hug when he finished talking. She knew how Luka felt for her and she knew how horrible it must've been for him to go through. She planted a quick kiss on his cheek.

"I trust you Luka, I know you wouldn't do anything like that. I'm not going anywhere, I promise," Marinette swore. He knew she meant it too. There was this look in her eyes that just reassured him that she was safe as long as she was with him.

He wanted to be her safe place.

You're Stuck in my Head//A Lukanette Story [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now