Chapter Eight: Telling Them - Part One

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The two adults walked into the bakery and took in the smell of freshly baked macaroons. They were greeted by Tom and Sabine, who gave a simple wave before letting the two go up to Marinette's room. It wasn't long after they reached her room that Tikki flew out.

"I feel like I know the two other people you're going to tell your identity to," The kwamii remarked. The bluenette was glad Tikki thought she was telling two, but she could only think of one person who deserved to know - Chat. She felt as if her friend can know, her partner had to know as well.

"I'm telling Chat," she started, "if anyone deserves to know, it's him," she stated, her expression confident, yet riddles with fear. Luka could tell she was anxious and put his calloused hand on her back and began to rub circles into her spine.

The feeling gave Marinette chills, but in a comforting way. She didn't feel pressured, nor did she feel like she couldn't talk about it at all. Luka made her feel like she could share whatever she was okay with, and that made her happy. Luka was good to her like that.

She looked over to him and brushed a stray piece of hair behind his ear. His hair had gotten longer, but he occasionally trimmed it to maintain it's length. The ends where the blue dye had been was fading and you could see bleached highlights peering through the colour.

Marinette ran downstairs to grab some cookies and returned, even grabbing some for Tikki. The three chatted and ate until dusk, the sky painted with pastel pinks, purples and blues. It was Saturday, meaning she had a guaranteed visit from Chat Noir any minute now. Surely enough, within a matter of minutes, there was a tap on the trapdoor leading to her balcony.

"It's open!" She exclaimed before asking Luka to go downstairs. She wanted to talk to him alone. Chat peered into her room, his piercing green eyes almost glowing in the dim room.

"You seem anxious, what's wrong?" Chat asked, tilting his head to the side curiously just as a cat would. He almost embraced his alter ego's character a little too much.

"I don't exactly know how to put this or how you're going to react but I really hope it isn't bad and if you're disappointed I understand but I-" The bluenette continues to ramble until the blonde hero in front of her placed a finger to her lips.

"I have no clue what you're on about, but I can assure you that I won't be mad and unless you've murdered someone then I won't be disappointed. Tell me," He responded, causing Marinette to sigh. She had to do it now.

"Tikki, spots on," she said nervously, the words barely escaping her lips. She felt the transformation complete and opened her eyes to see Chat's filling with tears. She instantly started to panic.

"I'm sorry I said you'd be disappointed," she cried a little too loudly. The trapdoor to her room opened and Luka popped his head in just as Chat detransformed.

Luka looked up to see a panicked Ladybug and a teary-eyed Adrien in Marinette's room. He just gave a smile and returned to the conversation he was having with Marinette's parents. Ladybug didn't actually see Chat detransform and was terrified to look back at him.

She reluctantly turned her head to see that Chat Noir had now been replaced with none other than Adrien Agreste. The two looked at each other momentarily before beginning to chuckle. How could they have been so oblivious?

"I'm guessing Luka knows then?" Adrien piped up. Mari looked at the closed trapdoor before turning back to face the blonde and nodding. She allowed herself to detransform and the two shared a friendly hug.

"I'm glad it's you Marinette, you make an amazing Ladybug. I have to go for now, but we'll talk on patrol tomorrow. Plagg, claws out!" he said, before giving a small wave and leaving the same way he entered.

Soon after, Luka re-entered the room with the macaroons that had been cooking as they arrived at the bakery. They were blue and pink, which seemed suspicious, but they were delicious nonetheless. Tom poked his arm through the trapdoor and left two bags on the bedroom floor. One was Marinette's, and the others must've been Luka's as there was a note taped to it addressed to him.

'Juleka is at Rose's and I want to change some things on the boat so I thought you could stay with that blue-haired friend of yours. I love you my little rockstar.

Luka flushed at the embarrassing nickname his mother had chosen to use in the note. It was already late, and the two of them were quite tired after the day's eventful akuma attack. Luka left to the bathroom to have a shower whilst Marinette brushed her hair out of it's high ponytail and allowed it to rest on her back.

When Luka returned, he was taken aback. He had never actually seen her with her hair down. Even last night when she stayed at his place she slept in pigtails.

Her dark blue hair framed her face and accentuated her bluebell eyes. Her soft pink lips looked pinker with the dark tones surrounding her face. He was completely and utterly mesmerised.

Marinette directed him to the chaise and herself to her bed. Before long, the both of them were awake and it was morning.

Today was going to be difficult.

You're Stuck in my Head//A Lukanette Story [UNDER EDITING]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu