Chapter Twenty: Magically Better

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Instead of heading to the bakery, Marinette was taken to Luka's houseboat. Her parents still had business to attend to in London and so they left their daughter in Luka's care. As she was helped into his room, she shook her head in confusion.

"What's wrong Mari?" Luka asked, aware of the cogs working in her mind. Her brows furrowed as she scrambled for a reason as to why Kagami would do such a thing. They had become good friends and would always meet up whenever they had free time. She wouldn't do this of her own free will. Something was wrong.

"Of course! Tikki, spots on!" Marinette exclaimed, standing in pain as she transformed.

"Are you insane? You've just had surgery after being shot, you can't go swinging around Paris!" Luka yelled, holding her by her shoulders. Marinette just smiled at him and hugged him. As he melted into the embrace, she was yanked out of his grasp as she swung out of the window. He cursed at himself for falling for her trick.

Marinette found Kagami at her home, next to a tied up Adrien. Her theory was definitely right, so she snuck through the open window. Her leg stung as she landed in the room, earning a small hiss which alerted Kagami to her presence. Her face was blank, a red and yellow mask laid over her eyes and a similarly coloured suit adorned her body.

Kagami instantly started throwing punches, but was weak and unprepared. One punch to the face was all it took to knock her down, and Marinette broke her ring. Out flew the purple and black butterfly that she was all too familiar with. She captured the akuma and called out for her lucky charm so that she could revert the effects of the akuma.

She ran over to Adrien and untied him before she realised her leg wasn't in pain anymore. Adrien's wrists were red raw from how tight the rope was around them. She knelt beside Kagami and placed a hand on her shoulder. Kagami looked around confused before she asked what had happened. Ladybug explained the situation and Kagami embraced her before starting to sob.

"I'm so so sorry Ladybug, I was very angry at Gabriel for what he had done and upset with my mother for not allowing Adrien to stay here," She explained, wiping the tears from her eyes. Adrien joined the girls and gently embraced his distressed girlfriend. Kagami huddled into him and Marinette realised that they truly were made for each other.

Ladybug gave a small salute-wave before swinging out of the window, across the city and into the Luka's room. She detransformed and Luka raced to her and hugged her tightly, not letting her go. His shoulders were tense and stiff, clearly from his high levels of stress. She shook his head before pulling away from her.

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" Luka cried, his arms trembling as he held Marinette's shoulders. She rubbed his back as he pulled her in for another tight hug.

"I'm alright Luka, Kagami was akumatised and now that she isn't, my leg is all better. I reversed it," Marinette explained. This didn't make Luka stop worrying, but it did calm him. The embrace was warm and made Marinette feel all fuzzy inside. As the two pulled apart, Luka's face was carpeted in a red blush.

"I like doing that, the hugging," Luka stated, his eyes avoiding Marinette's as he rubbed the back of his neck. Marinette smiled and tackled Luka to the ground. He was taken aback by the oh so violent attack, but melted once he realised she had tackled him into another hug. The two laid somewhat comfortably on the rug that was sprawled on the floor.

Luka truly was in love with her. She was the most caring, amazing girl he knew and he would give anything to be able to kiss her like he did at the skating rink. The way her lips were soft against his slightly chapped ones. He wanted everything and more with her, that would make him the happiest man alive.

He was willing to wait forever for her. He didn't want to force her into a relationship when she wasn't ready for one. He wanted her to be in love with him the way he was in love with her. Little did he know that she already felt an intense feeling of love for him. She wanted to be with him, but didn't want to feel pressured into anything.

She wanted everything a relationship had to offer without the relationship. She was convinced that people would take it badly and she didn't want to disappoint people. Especially not Luka. She feared that he would no longer feel this way to her. She loved him and she knew he loved her. She just didn't know how to tell him. But she knew how to show it.

Marinette grabbed Luka's face and smashed her lips against his. Luka was shocked, but soon sunk into the kiss and pulled her closer by her waist. The two were still on the floor, but sat up as the kisses got more intense to allow them to breathe easier.

All Marinette could think was how much she wanted him.

You're Stuck in my Head//A Lukanette Story [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now