Chapter Twenty-Nine: Baking and Quaking

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When Marinette awoke, it was past noon. She nearly went into cardiac arrest when she saw the time. She changed into a white t-shirt and a plaid sundress, before calling Luka and asking him to come over. Being the loving boyfriend he is, he obliged and went to the bakery as requested.

When he arrived, Marinette placed her flour-covered hands in his hair, turning it a pale grey. She giggled and ran into the kitchen, grabbing another handful of flour and throwing it at him as he ran after her. Luka however, rubbed his coated face all over hers, covering her in flour as well as being cuddly. Two birds with one stone.

The two washed their faces off and Marinette grabbed the ingredients for macarons. The recipe consisted of 1 ¾ cups powdered sugar, 1 cup almond flour finely ground, 1 teaspoon salt divided, 3 egg whites, at room temperature, ¼ cup granulated sugar, ½ teaspoon vanilla extract, 2 drops pink gel food colouring and some vanilla buttercream.

As Luka cracked one of the eggs into a bowl, Marinette grabbed the other and smashed it into his face, covering him with raw egg. there was only two left and they had to be used for the recipe, so Luka decided to be the better person and resist the temptation of smashing an egg into her hair.

He scooped the yolks out since they werent needed, placed them in his hand and slapped them down on the top of Marinette's head, getting yellow yolk all through her blue tresses. Marinette gasped as the thick yellow liquid oozed from her hair and onto her neck. She looked at Luka, ready for revenge.

She splashed milk onto him, then threw sugar at him, making him sticky. It was only after Tom told them off for wasting supplies that they stopped their little food fight. Luka whisked the eggs to make them a fluffy consistency before adding the flour, sugar, salt, vanilla and the pink food colouring.

After letting the mixture rest until dry, they placed the macaron base into the oven to bake. When they finished baking and had cooled, Marinette carefully piped the buttercream onto the bottom pieced before adding the tops. With that, the famous Dupain-Cheng macarons were complete.

The first macarons went to Tom and Sabine to taste test. After getting the nod of approval, they each tried one of their creations and were sent to dessert heaven. The sweets crumbled perfectly into their mouths and was the perfect sweetness for their tastebuds to enjoy. They high-fived and enjoyed some more macarons before placing the rest in the refrigerator for later.

The two went upstairs to Marinette's room and seated themselves on her bed, cuddling close to each other. As Marinette nuzzled her face into the crook of Lika's neck, they felt a sudden shake. Everything in the room vibrated as the ground rattled. It was an earthquake.

The two dark haired adults immediately climbed back down from the bed, down the stairs and into the doorway leading to the hall. Luka held tightly to the doorframe, protecting Marinette's head with his other arm. The shaking made it hard for them to keep their balance, but they managed to stay upright.

As the ground continued to shake, things started falling out of shelves. Plates, bowls, photos, ornaments. They fell one by one, some smashing as they hit the ground. But that wasn't what Marinette was worried about. As she looked around, she noticed two very important things were missing.

Her parents.

Where were they? She panicked and began to cry into Luka's chest. What if something had happened to them? She screamed her transformation words and ran out from under the safety of the doorway. She yo-yoed out the door and started scanning the city. She went from the Louvre to the skating rink to the Eiffel Tower.

They were nowhere to be found.

The ground had stopped shaking at this point and she was more confident she would be able to find them. She made the same loop, but still nothing. She found herself beginning to cry, but she continued searching.

She had to find them.

You're Stuck in my Head//A Lukanette Story [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now