Chapter Twenty-Eight: Pranked

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Marinette pushed Adrien away as he tried to lean in and kiss her. It all made sense now. Dark hair, deep eyes, was in love with him for ages, it was all there. But she wasn't in love with him anymore, she loved Luka.

"Hey, I'm not your Lady anymore Adrien. You were oblivious to the fact that I liked you for years and now that I've moved on you decide to be all over me?" She exclaimed, grabbing her phone and dialling Luka's number behind her back. She left him off speaker so he couldn't be heard and allowed him to listen to the conversation.

"But you loved me for so long?" Adrien said inquisitively as if he didn't know that what he was doing was wrong. Marinette felt bad for him, he didn't know social cues and was unaware of what to do in a situation like this. She shook her head and spoke up to him.

"I was in love with the idea of you. I was obsessed and it honestly wasn't healthy. I'm sorry Adrien," She said calmly. The blonde boy in front of her seemed defeated yet not surprised. Then he started to laugh. He laughed for a while before he calmed down.

"Get pranked!" He yelled, earning a punch to the arm from Marinette. She felt so bad having to tell him that and yet he was just pranking her. He genuinely had her scared for him but no, he was just having a joke.

"You complete ass Adrien Agreste!" She screamed as she hit his arm again. He just continued to laugh as he rubbed his arm. Marinette soon started to laugh with him and they were in fits of giggles. Adrien calmed down first, wiping the tears from his face from laughing.

"You're so gullible Mari, I love Kagami and I would never leave her," Adrien explained. Marinette couldn't help but feel stupid and laughed at her own gullibility. Of course he wasn't going to leave Kagami, how could she have fallen for that? She pushed him lightly and giggled once more.

"You scared me with that one Agreste. I thought I'd have to yo-yo you to the Eiffel Tower again and leave you there!" Marinette joked, yawning after her giggles. Adrien bid her farewell and she retreated to her bed. She would have to come up with something just as good to get back at him. And she knew exactly how to do it.

She grabbed her phone and dialled Luka's number. A sleepy Luka answered.

"What's the matter Mari?" He asked tiredly, concern still evident in his voice. Marinette explained her plan and Luka agreed with it. She also texted Nino and Alya so that they wouldn't kill Luka when they were pulling the prank. The next day, Marinette applied reddish-pink eyeshadow around her eyes to give the illusion that she had been crying.

She ran to Adrien's house and started the waterworks. When Adrien answered the door, his face immediately went somber and he wrapped his arms around Marinette. When he asked her what happened, she started "sobbing" even more.

"Luka saw you on my balcony when you were really close to me and thought we kissed and got really mad. He- he broke up with me!" She cried, absolutely pissing herself laughing internally. She had to remain composed, she had to sell the act. Adrien was clearly feeling guilty and offered to take her out to ice cream, which she accepted.

She texted Luka to be at Andre's in 10 minutes to start the next phase of the prank. When they arrived, Luka was talking to André when he saw Adrien and Marinette walking together. he put his game face on and got ready to initiate phase two.

"So first you kiss him and now you're getting ice cream? Jeez Marinette I thought I knew you better than this," He scoffed, putting his ice cream down and crossing his arms. Adrien felt horrible. He never would have pranked her if he knew it would cause something like this to happen.

"Luka listen I-" Adrien was cut off my Luka making a 'tsk' sound. Marinette seemed a little too upset for Luka's liking and he felt bad for saying what he did so nonchalantly. Tears were rolling down her face but they seemed all too real, as if there was actual emotion behind them. Then she started to laugh.

"Get pranked!" she yelled, poking her tongue out and doing a little triumphant dance. Adrien was confused at first. A prank? But she was crying, how was it a prank? Then he remembered Marinette's drama grades. She was amazing at acting.

"Oh you sneaky little devils!" Adrien remarked, joining in on their fits of laughter.

They got him good.

You're Stuck in my Head//A Lukanette Story [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now