chapter eighteen

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"I'm hungry," Caroline states, turning away from the television to stare at Kol and me. After leaving the hospital, I could not sleep. I stayed up all night worrying about Care and rushed here as soon as visiting hours were allowed.

"You're in luck," I replied, throwing her my messenger bag. Hopefully, the nurses wouldn't notice that a few of their blood bags went missing. I watch in fascination as Caroline rips open the blood bags, gulping them down greedily. To be a baby vampire, Care had terrific control. However, I found her red eyes and black veined covered face attractive. I wonder what Kol's vampire face looked like?

"This is easier than I thought," Caroline comments as she finishes her third blood bag. At least I don't have to worry about her going crazy and killing the first human she comes in contact with for now. "Told you not to worry, little witch." Kol pats my shoulder as I reach up, placing mine on top of his.

"Is this what I think it is?" Caroline questions as she pulls out a ring box from my bag. She opens it, letting out a gasp. "Holy shit, this ring is awesome." She traces the crest as she slides the ring on her finger. "The B stands for Bennett, doesn't it?" I nod.

It took a while, but I handcrafted a crest daylight ring for her. "It's an enhanced daylight ring. It's connected to my ring to let me know if you're ever in trouble. Anyone sees that ring; they'll know you're from the Bennett coven."

"Ororo...does this officially make me a Bennett minus the wedding?" I could tell it overwhelmed her as her eyes filled with tears. Shit, I forgot about vampires and their heightened emotions. I stand, walking closer to her bed and taking a seat.

I take her hand, placing the other against her cheek. "You've always been a Bennett, with or without the crest. This is just to let the others know who you belong to."

"Do I get one? Because it's not fair if she only gets one and I don't." Kol pouts as he takes a seat beside me.

"You sound like a child, Kol. Of course, I made you one. It's not like you can wear it right now." I roll my eyes at his childishness.

"Caroline Bennett. I don't know about that. Can you take my last name instead?" I made a face at the thought of taking her last name. Ororo Forbes? Hell no.

"Kol Bennett has a weird ring to it, but I like it."

Are these two serious right now?

"Care, do you have an urge to rip my throat out right now?" I ask as Care shifts uncomfortably. She nods, blushing as I place both of my hands on her face.

"You won't feel a thing," I tell her before I chant. It was a simple bloodlust spell to keep on her on track and not to slip up and hurt anyone. We couldn't have that with John the cunt and Alaric in town.

"There. You'll be fine for now."

She laughs, pulling me into a hug. "I don't know what I'd do without you. O."


I let out a sigh, closing the door to the witch's house. Everything had gone as excepted. Care and Bonnie were safe. Katherine was in town, and soon Klaus would be following. Tyler's Uncle Mason would sniff around. Fuck Tyler's werewolf genes! How could I forget about that?

"You did well with your vampire girlfriend.." Qetisyah greets me as she appears by my side. She gives Kol a look of detest before turning away from him. "I cannot believe you're planning on giving him a Bennett crest, Ororo."

"Don't you have other things too than spying on me? Have you been keeping an eye out on Katherine, Elijah, and Klaus?"

"No. There's nothing else to do on the Other Side. Why do you think I bother you all the time? Katerina is doing the same thing as usual. Charming Stefan and using the moronic Damon. I'll say Mikaelson; you did well by putting your hand through his chest. You should've ripped it out."

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