chapter twenty-one

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"We have a problem, little one."

A shriek left my mouth as Qetsiyah appeared beside me. What the fuck is up with my ancestors appearing out of nowhere to scare the shit out of me?!

"You scared the shit out of me! Don't do that!"

Qetsiyah scoffs, "Did you die from it? No, it was a slight scare. You will be fine. This is urgent, Ororo. Your boyfriend's deranged mother is plotting to escape from the Other Side quicker than we expected. She's pulling strings with other witches."

I pinche the bridge of my nose in frustration. First, Klaus was in town, and now I've got to deal with Esther. That woman was a pain in the ass during the show. Now she wants to derail the storyline and come back earlier than expected.

"Momma Original wants to rise from the grave, and this is our concern because?"

Qetsiyah scowls, slapping me against the head.

"OW!" I let out a hiss, grabbing my head, rubbing the sire spot. For her to be a spirit, she sure packs a heavy ass hand.

"Ayana and Emily warned me about that bitch, Esther. If she rises, trust me, things will become a lot more complicated. She has a way with words and could easily turn the Mikaelsons against you. And we don't want that, do we?"

I shook my head. Hell no, I can't have that bitch ruining any of my process with Kol, Elijah, and especially Finn. Bonnie has come so far with Finn. And just for Esther to destroy it was a disaster.

"And our bloodline doesn't shut up about the wrench. All she does is moan and whine about how she created abominations. No one told her to twist and fuck up my spell. It wasn't meant for her! I wish I would've only made it accessible to Bennett witches."

Someone clearly hates Esther Mikaelson.

"I mean, if she rises, I could have Klaus rip her heart out again. You know he hates her with a passion. ,"

"Klaus is currently stalking and plotting your death, Ororo. Do you think you can win him over?"

"Let's see; I currently have Kol and Elijah wrapped around my finger. Bonnie has Finn around hers. If I can get them, I can get Klaus. He needs to loosen up and stop being such a paranoid egoistic dick."


Seven days, That's how long Klaus has been stalking me. He never actively seeks me out, but I can feel him in the background, lurking. The Salvatores are agonizing over Mason and Bonnie. Katherine disappeared after Elijah tossed her around like a rag doll.

"Your brother is obsessed with me," I tell Elijah as he takes a seat beside me. I stopped at the Grille for lunch.

"Is that so? Which one may I ask?" He raises an eyebrow, adjusting himself in his seat.

"Klaus, he thinks threatening and stalking me is going to make things go his way."

Elijah smirks, "My brother is used to having his way, and you're derailing his plans for breaking his curse. He'll do everything but cooperate. I warned him you would not play his games, but of course, he doesn't listen. So, do what you must, Ororo."

I wasn't actively listening to Elijah as he spoke; instead, I was eyeing Damon. He was sitting at the bar, but I know he was eavesdropping.

"Damon Salvatore is a handful and such a pathetic excuse of a vampire. He thought he could beat me, an Original. He and his brother don't know how to respect their elders." Elijah says as he turns to glare over at Damon. He was clutching his glass in a tight grip as he heard Elijah degrade him.

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