chapter twenty-three

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"Elijah, I love you."

He shakes his head as I rush over to Kol's coffin. Klaus had officially arrived in town with his siblings' bodies last night. Elijah didn't waste any time seeking me out and bringing me to Kol. The closer Kol got to his body, the more he'd bug me.

I run my hand over his coffin silently before opening it. Oh no, I wasn't prepared for the emotions that hit me as I stared down at his face. I reached up, placing a hand on his grayed cheek.

"Do you want me to do the honor?" Elijah questions, placing a hand on my shoulder and the other on the silver dagger sticking out of Kol's chest.


He nods, pulling the dagger out of Kol's chest. He tucks the dagger into his suit.

"He should awake soon; the servants will serve him and the others." I didn't look up from Kol's body as Elijah spoke. It would thrill Bonnie that Finn was awake as well.

"We must go now. Klaus is impatiently waiting." Elijah slowly pulled me away from Kol. I didn't want to leave him.

"Kol will be alright, Ororo. He'll find his way to you as soon as he awakens." Elijah speaks softly.

'See you soon, Kol.' I place a kiss on his cheek.

"Alright, let's go meet your annoying ass brother before he blows up our phones." I take Elijahs' hand as he led me away.


"It bloody took you two long enough." Klaus scowls at Elijah and me as he opens the door to Alaric's apartment.

"We had to deal with some jackasses on the way. You'll be fine, you big baby." I shove him out of my way and walk into the apartment, collapsing on the couch. I wasn't scared of Klaus, and I doubt he'd try anything right now. Not with Elijah glaring at him.

"I've given you the money, now tell me what you know of the moonstone and my curse." Klaus doesn't waste any time; he slides onto the couch, crowding around me.

"Can you get out my face? Damn, I'm not going anywhere." I place my hand on his face, shoving him away softly. He was too close for comfort, especially now that he's in his body.

He huffs, grabbing my wrist. "a deal is a deal."

"Fine, damn, you're aggravating and impatient as fuck. You're worse than Kol, and that says something."

Elijah chuckles, covering it up as a cough. He's such an idiot. Klaus glares at him before turning back to me. "Talk, witch."

"Fine, that moonstone you've got is fake as hell; you don't have a werewolf or vampire to sacrifice. You touch the Lockwood brothers, Jenna Sommers or Caroline Forbes, and breaking your hybrid curse will be the last of your worries."

Klaus looks furious as I smirk in his face. It was hilarious watching him.

"But, I can get you everything you need for the ritual. Moonstone, vampire, and werewolf. Leave it to Elijah and me, and you'll be a little hybrid in no time." I tested my luck, reaching over patting Klaus on the cheek.

His eyes were incredulous, and I knew he didn't believe me. "Don't worry; you'll become the hybrid you've always meant to be."

Elijah and I had our plan, and it was already in motion. Jules was the sacrifice werewolf, and Elijah had snatched up one of Anna and Pearl's lackeys.

"So what do you say? Don't touch the Lockwoods, Jenna or Caroline, and we have a deal."

Klaus rolls his eyes, "we have a deal."

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