chapter sixteen

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"You're not going to let it go, are you?" I questioned, glaring over at Kol. He gave me a deadpan look.

"What do you think, witch?" I rolled my eyes so hard I felt like they'd fall out. Kol pouted, whined, and complained about Elijah for the rest of the day after our meeting. Not that I gave a damn, but Jesus, he was annoying.

"I know you just called me annoying, Ororo! Stop it!" He grabbed a pillow, throwing it my way. I grabbed it midair, throwing it back at him. "Stop throwing shit! And quit, pouting! You'd think you would want your physical body back, but no, you're acting like a child!"

"Because you're being stupid and putting your trust in Elijah and Niklaus! My brothers will do nothing but betray and kill you after Nik's curse is broken! Do you even have a plan, or are you going to run into this half-cocked like last time?!"

Of all people scowling at me, I never thought Kol would be one of them.

"Well, are you?! Of course, you are!"

He's a fool if he thinks I'm going to sit here and let him of all people talk to me any kind of way.

"First of all, Kol, I had a plan last time, and it would've worked if Saint Stefan and Elena hadn't dragged my family into it. I prevented a family member's death, and I'll do it again in a heartbeat."

Kol opens his mouth, but I throw my hand up, silencing him.

"You don't make the rules, and you know this. I do; whatever I say goes. And we're going through with this ritual. I didn't say when, and I haven't stated the terms. Do you really think I'm stupid enough to trust Elijah and Klaus?"

I know Elijah was known as the 'honorable' one and gave his word, but I wasn't stupid. His family, especially Klaus, came first, and if he felt like I was a threat, he'd kill me. Well, he'd try, but I'd send a white oak stake through his chest before he got the chance.

"Why do you think I talked to Elijah first? He'll have a better chance at convincing Klaus than me. My primary concern is getting your body back, Kol."

Kol had a look of astonishment on his face. He was silent for a few minutes before speaking quietly. "You're really doing this to get my body back?"

"Of course, Kol. Why did you think I was doing it?"

He shrugged, his expression turning uncomfortable. I reached over, grabbing his wrist, and pulled him into a hug. The way he clung to me made me curious. How long has it been since he's had a hug? As if he'd heard my question, he spoke in a quiet voice.

"It's been centuries since I've had a genuine hug."

Mental reminder, give Kol hugs more often.

"I know I've been gone a while, but I didn't think you'd lose it and have imaginary friends."

A very familiar voice spoke from my doorway. Kol pulled away from me, and I turned, letting out a scream.

"LUCY!" I ran into her open arms, pulling her into a bear hug. I didn't realize how much I missed my cousin until she was actually in my arms. God, it felt good. We rocked side to side in each other's embrace.

"I missed you and little Bon-Bon so much," Lucy says as we pull apart. "So, how's everything been? Any boyfriends? Pregnancy scares?"

I shake my head, smiling at her. "Everything's been fine, Lucy. No boyfriends, no pregnancy scares."

"Then, what am I? A friend?" Kol questions from behind me.

"I'm still figuring that out. Now hush." I tell him as Lucy looks at me like I was insane.

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