chapter one

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Growing up a second time was a nightmare. I filled my first couple of years as a baby with nothing but drooling, sleeping, and god awful breastfeeding. That shit was pretty traumatizing. I'm sure it scarred me for life from seeing my mother's breast and putting them in my mouth daily.

By the time I reached six years old, my parents, Anna and Titus, explained that they knew I was. Someone marked me as an old soul, and they threw it into a reincarnation cycle. They knew I was reborn, but they didn't know where I came from or if my actual family was in this world. I didn't stress about my old family; I know they were in excellent hands with my teammates.

My aunts and uncles, my reincarnation, utterly fascinated Shelia, Lucida, Denzel, and Reggie. It was safe to say it disheartened them when I told them I remembered nothing but floating aimlessly in darkness until popping out my moms' vagina.

My bond with my cousins, Lucy, and Bonnie, were pretty good. I loved them to death, and I know the feeling is mutual. As soon as I laid eyes on baby Bonnie, I promised myself that I'd protect her with my life. Canon Bonnie Bennett went through hell and back. Always suffering and sacrificing herself for others. But in this timeline, that shit will not fly.

Bennett witches aren't doing shit for free. We won't be bullied and belittle by anyone, especially not by a vampire of all things. I'm drilling that into Lucy's and Bonnie's heads now while we're young. Do you want services? You got to pay a fee, no handouts or charity.

I don't know how much I'm hurting the timeline, but I always keep Bonnie and Lucy with me. Sure, Lucy is older physically, but I'm older mentally, and I feel like I must keep my hardheaded cousins out of trouble.

My parents in this world were terrific. Titus and Anna never look at me funny or judge me for being an old soul. They didn't question me about the timeline; the only thing Mom told me was, " use your knowledge and power wisely." Everything was free rein as long as I don't put my family in harm's way.

I know canon Bonnie's mom; Abby abandoned her when she was four so, I told my mom about Abby losing her magic when she entombed Mikael. Thankfully, when Mikael came rolling into town looking for the doppelgänger, he didn't expect to see three Bennett witches and a warlock waiting for his ass. He won't be a problem for a long time.

Problem solved; Abby, Rudy, Shelia, Bonnie are a happy little family, and it'll stay that way as long as I'm in this timeline. Canon Bonnie suffered abandoned by her mother twice, Rudy was neglectful and got killed by Silas. Shelia was an old drunk that ended up dying and leaving Bonnie behind. Now they're all happy; Shelia even has a husband that wasn't in the original timeline but whatever as long as she's comfortable and breathing.

We needed knowledge, and that's what we got. I'll make sure Grams and Bonnie are safe in this timeline from dumb ass vampires and their fuck ups.

I've already met and sadly by force befriended Elena Gilbert, Caroline Forbes, Tyler Lockwood, Matt Donovan. Everyone knew that I couldn't stand Elena but loved Caroline, even if she was ridiculously blunt, insecure, and a bit of an attention whore. I loved her: she, Bonnie, and Tyler like my little ducklings. I looked out for them.

Elena was best friends with Bonnie, and I know it's wrong to dislike a kid, but she was the root of many problems in the future.

I knew it was a matter of time before those moronic Salvatore brothers come into town and wreak havoc. Our peaceful lives would go to hell, but hopefully, with me being here and my slow recollection of memories, things wouldn't be as bad.

I know some things I shouldn't prevent, such as Caroline becoming a vampire. I'd never change that, just the way it happened. Katherine was a favorite character of mine on the show, but if she laid a hand on my Caroline, I'd smoke her ass. Caroline became a better version of herself as a vampire, and who would I be to stop her growth? Not a good friend.

When Klaus and his family come into town, my family isn't stopping the ritual. My mom says it was bound to happen. She'd find something to keep Elena alive. It was Klaus's fate to become a hybrid, eventually.

I plan on befriending poor Rebekah when she awakens and makes sure she doesn't get stabbed in the back by Elena-keeping Finn and Kol alive-hopefully befriending them as well. Honestly, I'm going to befriend the entire family. I loved them in the show.

But for now, I've got shit that needs to be accomplished. I've got a couple more years for all that drama.


Mama turned away from the biscuits she was rolling. "Yes, baby?"

"Can you teach me magic? I know that I'm physically six, but come on, mentally, I'm thirty-six. I promise I'll be careful!"

My dad lets out a loud chuckle from the dinner table.

"What's so funny, Dad?" I demanded, frowning, looking over at him, confused.

"Nothing, sweetheart. It's just your mother swore up and down that you wouldn't have any interest in your heritage yet, but I told her you meant business about it."

Mama sucked her teeth, "Oh shut up, Titus. Of course, I'll teach you, Ororo. You can even see if Shelia and Bonnie want to come over for lessons."

Dad lowers his newspaper, shooting me a mischievous grin, which I return.

"I don't know what you two got planned, but y'all better not burn down my house." Mom glares at us, waving his wooden spoon threateningly.

God, I love this family.

God, I love this family

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