chapter eight

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"Where's my girl?" I asked Elena, taking a sip of alcohol from my flask.

"I don't know; I haven't seen her yet." She replies, shrugging. "Uh, could I have some?"

I frowned, feeling my face scrunch up in distaste. Elena shook her head, "Nevermind, I don't know why I asked."

Damn right, why the hell would she think I'd let her put her crusty ass lips on my shit.

"So, Um, what do you think about Stefan?" Dear God, she's trying to make conversation. I've got to get away from her.

"He's cute. Not my type."

Elena snickers, "I'm sure we all know your type. It's Caroline."

"Whatever, you and Barnabas were eye-fucking all day at school today. It's disgusting and incredibly uncomfortable. Just get with the guy already and stop the bullshit."

Elena raised an eyebrow, "Shouldn't you be taking your advice? You and Caroline..."

"I have my reasons why I haven't screwed Care's brains out yet, okay? But, you and Barnabas don't have any excuses. Anyway, I see Care." I pat Elena on the shoulder before heading towards Caroline, who was getting piss drunk with the cheerleading team.


Caroline cheers as she shoves a football player out her way, running towards me. "Holy shit," I let a groan of pain as our bodies collied. Caroline buries her face into my hair, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Hi, Care. I see you've been having fun." She laughs, leaning back.

"We got bored waiting for you."

"We? Who did you come with?"

"Bonnie, but she ditched me for Matt! Can you believe that? I thought we were friends." Caroline slurs as I pull her through the crowd towards the coolers. I meant what I said about getting blackout drunk. The vampire drama would have to be put on hold. I needed to have fun.

A few drinks turned into multiple, along with mixing drinks. I know everyone was going to have killer hangovers. This means mamas' shop would make bomb-ass sales tomorrow.

"I know you're currently having your version of fun and whatnot, but you need to sober yourself up, Little Witch. Trouble is coming," Kol comments as he appears beside Caroline.

"Ugh, tell your ghost boyfriend to get away from me. He's freaking cold!" Caroline whines, shivering.

Kol rolls his eyes, reaching over, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I saw the elder Salvatore brother earlier. He was eying little Bonnie. You need to sober up right now and get out of here. Everything is about to go to hell when Vicky Donovan and Little Gilbert come out the woods."

His words came out to me in gibberish. I slapped his hand away, groaning. I could faintly remember that Vicky was supposed to be attacked tonight.

Cue Elena's big ass mouth was letting out an ear-piercing scream.

"Somebody help!"

"He can barely control himself; it's ridiculous." Kol sneers in Stefans' direction. Stefan was failing to control himself as his eyes bled red, black veins covering his face.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Matt yells out as he holds his sister.

"This was an eventful party; the only downside is that I didn't get to see you and Caroline with your clothes off." Kol comments. Despite being drunk, I glared at him, sending him an aneurysm.

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