Ch. 20: Falling

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 20: Falling

It was the last night at the Burrow. The bedroom was silent as Kiara packed her items neatly inside her trunk. Her freshly washed and pressed jumpers, pants, socks and pyjamas. New Year's Eve was a few days ago and since then, Kiara was quiet. She wasn't sad or miserable like the summer holidays, she was confused. George and Ginny tried speaking to her to find out what happened. They knew it involved Fred, considering the pair only said Good Morning and Good Night to each other nowadays.

Fred... Even his name made her want to scream. She couldn't believe what happened. They were finally friends again; they had worked out their indifferences and were getting along like normal. She picked up the 'Rainbow Eyes' Weasley Wizard Wheezes product and sighed, remembering that the two only made up on Christmas Day just over a week ago. But then, he ruined it.

Her eyes were closed, listening to the chanting of voices from downstairs. She was unsure about what Fred was planning but she was somewhat excited. She hoped that when she opened her eyes, a beautiful display of Fireworks would be in front of her. She missed an incredible Wildfire Whiz-bangs display, even if it was somewhat uncontrollable.

When the countdown reached 1, she felt a pair of lips meet with hers. Her eyes opened in shock, she was frozen to the ground and her heart skipped a beat when she realised that Fred was kissing her once more, his hands cupping her face gently as he pulled her towards him. Kiara's eyes began to close as she felt herself giving in to the familiar feeling of Fred. It felt like no time passed between their last kiss at Kings Cross Station, except that this kiss was full of longing, sincerity and lust. Their lips matched perfectly and she responded to him passionately, wrapping her hands around his neck. Everyone was yelling downstairs, "Happy New Year!" but Kiara was lost in Fred's embrace; the way that his lips melted with hers and fitted like two puzzle pieces. His cinnamon scent and the taste of Firewhiskey was flooding her senses.

"Kiara," he whispered huskily against her lips, prolonging each letter as if he was trying to savour them. She smiled, her heart fluttering as she kissed him deeply again. She forgot how wonderful it was to hear her name play across his lips. "Happy New Year, Miss Malfoy."

"Happy New Year, Fred," Kiara murmured, staring into his brown eyes. Her eyes were a deep shade of fuchsia and she couldn't help but smile.

"Kiara? Where are you?" Ginny's voice echoed throughout the staircase. Suddenly, the effects of euphoria from the kiss and alcohol disappeared from Kiara's veins. The pink in her eyes disappeared, replaced by orange and white.

Kiara's eyes widened as she stepped away from Fred, understanding the extent of her actions. "Oh my... Did we-? No..."

"Kiara, wait," Fred said desperately, grabbing her wrist to stop her from running.

"We can't," Kiara cried, stepping away from Fred. "You're not safe with me." He moved closer towards her, however.

"Stop. It wasn't a mistake. We're meant to be together. Tell me, you didn't feel something," Fred begged.

"We broke up," Kiara stuttered. "We can't do this again."

"Kiara?" Ginny called her name again, her voice louder as she climbed the stairs.

"I'm sorry," Kiara whispered, pulling her hand out of Fred's grasp. Before Fred could stop her, she left the bedroom, plastering a fake smile on her face as she hugged Ginny, trying to replace her mistaken start to 1997.

Kiara screamed, throwing her face into her pillow to stifle the noise. She constantly thought about the kiss that she shared with Fred. Every time that she saw him, the feeling of his lips on hers appeared in her mind. Every time that she heard his voice, she heard the way that he said her name afterwards. Every time that he looked at her, she remembered the love and happiness that she saw in his eyes.

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