Ch. 18: Sweet Dreams

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 18: Sweet Dreams

Percy Weasley stormed out of the Burrow after Christmas lunch, his horn-rimmed glasses covered in mashed parsnips. George and Ginny claimed full credit for the violent act but Fred fortunately managed to pour gravy over his head as Percy thundered out. As Fred and George recounted the story to Kiara the day where Mrs Weasley couldn't overhear without breaking into tears, she lapsed into giggles.

Luckily, after their conversation in the pantry, Fred and Kiara's friendship returned back to normal. The two spoke, laughed and joked with each other. George was ecstatic, watching his two best friends finally getting along again like they did for many years. Kiara was beginning to dread the day that Fred and George would return back to work and not long after that, she would be back at Hogwarts without her two best friends.

On Boxing Day, Kiara spent the day in the winter snow with Fred and George, participating in their traditional post-Christmas snowball fight. She dodged a snowball from Fred and directly threw one at George which successfully made contact.

"You're going to get it, Kiara," George bellowed, glaring at her as he rolled a large snowball. Kiara's eyes widened, bending down to prepare herself with one in defence but it was too late. George's snowball was in the air and pummelling dangerously towards her face.

"Kiara, get down!" Fred yelled, appearing with a crack next to her and pushing her down to the snow safely to avoid the incoming snowball. Kiara fell to the ground softly, the snow cushioning her fall and she gasped in surprise. Unfortunately for Fred, the snow struck directly with his face. "Ooft!" Fred fell to the ground dramatically from the impact, faking a groan.

"Fred, are you okay?" Kiara cried, crawling to Fred's side and helping him brush the snow out of his face and hair. He smiled slightly as her soft fingertips moved across his skin, concern written across her face.

"Get him back," Fred muttered, blinking feebly. "Avenge my... Death..." he gasped out dramatically, sighing raggedly.

Kiara giggled but nodded affirmatively, tightening her beanie. She picked up a pile of snow and began rolling a large snowball. As she concentrated on its iciness and coolness, aiming at where George's head will appear in seconds, the snowball began to slowly grow in size.

"Kiara?" Fred questioned slowly, lifting his head and staring at Kiara curiously. "Your snowball..."

But George's face suddenly appeared behind a tree and Kiara launched the snowball powerfully. She gasped as it travelled mid-air, noticing that it resembled a large boulder, rather than the small melon that she prepared for it to look like. "Oh Merlin..."

George screamed like a ten-year-old girl which was abruptly cut off by the painful smack of the snowball.

"George, I'm so sorry!" Kiara cried, pulling up Fred from the ground quickly who discreetly hid his smile as she held his hand and they ran to George who was lying on the ground, moaning in agony. "I don't know what happened!"

"Do you think it was your powers?" Fred asked quietly while Kiara fussed over George.

"I only have the elements of water and fire," Kiara replied, rubbing the lump on George's forehead.

"Water can be ice though," George groaned, sitting up slowly and touching his face gingerly. "It just needs to be cold."

"So, if I concentrate for it to be like snow... I can conjure, ice?" Kiara questioned, staring at the palms of her hands. "Maybe I should speak with Dumbledore when I get back to Hogwarts."

"NO!" She was suddenly tackled to the snow by both twins, begging and pleading.

"Please, don't leave us!"

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