Ch. 33: Confessions

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 33: Confessions

"I still can't believe that everyone seemed to know that you both were going to get together but I didn't," Ron huffed one night in the common room as he, Kiara, Harry, Ginny and Hermione sat by the fire. Earlier, Kiara had shown the group Fred's latest response to her last letter, which included the unsurprising news that Harry and Ginny were together.

Dear Kiara,

Congratulations! We are so proud that you won the Quidditch Cup, even without Harry. Why didn't he just get a medal for cursing your brother?

Kiara rolled her eyes at his distaste.

Honestly, we wish we were there to see you yelling and directing the team. Imagine taking orders from a girl who is 5"6 with eyes that are multicoloured. I guess you could incinerate anyone but they don't know that.

Nonetheless, I would've cheered myself hoarse if I could've watched you play. I'm sure you were amazing and an absolute sight to watch.

As for Harry and Ginny, I won the bet. My prediction was during your sixth-year. George's bet was your fifth and yours was next year. So, I expect some money included in your next letter and some scheme of how we are going to use this for some pranks in the holidays.

I can't wait to see you when you come to work with us this summer.

Love always, Fred and George x

"You shouldn't have told them. They're going to take the mickey out of them like they did with Lavender and I."

"That's not even possible," Kiara sighed, knowing that Fred and George took the mickey out of Ron solely because it was Ron and Lavender. If it was Ron and Hermione, they wouldn't be as bad.

"When did you even start a bet?" Ron grumbled, ignoring her comment.

"I think it was our third-year," Kiara mused, writing her Transfiguration essay.

"Our third-year?"

"Well, we didn't get a chance to discuss it in my second-year. You know, with a Basilisk crawling around the school, petrifying students left, right and centre," Kiara said nonchalantly. Ginny snickered. She gave Ron a look. "I'm confused what the big fuss is about."

Everyone looked at Ron, except for Harry who suddenly became very interested with staring at the fireplace. Ron cleared his throat nervously. "Well... Er... You know, I'm Ginny's older brother so..."

"So?" Ginny said with narrow eyes, taunting Ron to dig his grave and bury himself in it with his words.

"I'm not meant to like anyone that you date," Ron snapped, finding some newly found confidence. "But, under the circumstances, you could do worse than Harry. He's better than Corner or Thomas."

"A last name basis when they date your sister," Kiara muttered darkly. "I'm surprised you're not calling Harry, Potter."

"Thanks, mate," Harry said quietly, smiling weakly and appreciating that it didn't get much worse than that. He was wrong, however.

"I am worried though, about what will happen to me if you both break up," Ron announced courageously, looking between Ginny and Harry.

"To you?" Hermione snorted, closing her book and staring at him in disbelief. "Do you honestly think this is about you?"

"What are you? An equal part of their relationship?" Kiara sniggered.

"There's rumours going around! About how they're fresh and new and it might not work out."

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