Ch. 17: Reconnected

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 17: Reconnected


Kiara woke with a start, finding herself tucked in a warm and cosy bed, instead of a semi-lumpy mattress. She glanced around the room, confused until she noticed a groggy Fred rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Meanwhile, George was emptying his bulging stocking over his bed, presents and gifts falling everywhere, grinning gleefully.

Her eyes glanced back to Fred who noticed that Kiara was also awake. He caught her eye and turned away. She realised that Fred must've moved her into his bed at some point while she was asleep and slept on the floor instead. A smile appeared on her face, despite the tears that coated it last night

"Merry Christmas boys," Kiara said quietly, turning to her own stock. Fred opened his mouth to reply but closed it when he noticed her opening her first present delicately. Unlike George who was ripping the wrappings, Kiara softly removed it and examined each present that she received with a small smile. Fred was mesmerized as he watched her until he realised that he hadn't opened one present yet.

Kiara's presents included a blue sweater with a large K knitted on the front from Mrs Weasley, an eagle quill from Hermione, Honeydukes sweets from Ron, a broomstick kit from Harry, muggle hair-care products from Ginny and Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes products from George.

Kiara's face fell when she realised that Fred's present was absent from this year's pile.

On the floor, Fred frowned when he realised that Kiara didn't give him a present either. Without a second glance, he left the room silently, closing the door quietly behind him.

She sighed, turning to her final present that she received the day before. She opened the letter that was folded next to the present and began reading.


Merry Christmas. You said that you were expecting a letter so I have fulfilled your expectations. There is also a present so I hope that I have gone beyond your expectations.

I know that you've gone beyond mine.


Kiara's heart fluttered as she reread his letter for the second time, blushing as she read the last line. Her eyes turned pink as she did so which wasn't unnoticed by George who frowned over his Honeydukes chocolates. For the first time, Kiara noticed that the present was wrapped in a red paper with small pineapples. She laughed loudly as she peeled away the papers.

Unable to contain herself, she gasped. On a small velvet cushion, there was a set of pink crystal earrings. As she lifted them to examine them, a small note fell out from underneath.

I got them in my favourite colour on you.

Kiara reddened, knowing that he was referring to her eyes. She felt terrible, knowing that they would've been expensive but she couldn't hide the smile as she put them on.

"They're from him? Aren't they?" She jumped, forgetting that George was in the room. He stared at her questioningly.

"Yes, they are. Please don't tell Fred," Kiara said pleadingly. "I don't want an argument with him on Christmas."

"He'll work it out eventually," George sighed, vanishing his and her Christmas wrappings.

"I know but... Just for today."

"You didn't give him a present?"

"He didn't give me one."

"But, you got him a gift. Didn't you?"

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