Ch. 6: Cameron Harrison

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 6: Cameron Harrison

Katie Bell was transferred to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries the day after Hogsmeade. The whole school was aware of the curse although, the details were confused as most students presumed that Katie was targeted herself by Death Eaters.

On the Monday evening, Kiara prepared herself in her dormitory after her final class of the day. She curled her hair softly around her face but chose not to wear any makeup. Since returning to Hogwarts, Kiara found herself more willing to embrace her natural beauty. Over the summer, her cheekbones became more defined and her lips fuller. As a result, she felt more confident in herself.

Her outfit was simple yet proper for a dinner. She wore a simple pink and black plaid skirt with a white turtle neck top. For shoes, she wore boots with thigh-high tights that revealed her slim legs.

"Kiara, are you ready?" Hermione called from the bathroom, stepping out to reveal herself in a simple woollen jumper and jeans. Her curly hair was pinned back to keep it off her face and she looked at Kiara curiously. "Are you dressing up for someone in particular?"

"No," Kiara replied, seemingly too quickly. Hermione noticed this swift response but did not comment. "Let's go to this dinner."

The two girls left the Gryffindor Common Room, waving to a grumpy Ron who did not respond. Hermione's face fell as he scowled in response to her wave.

"He's only mad because you're spending alone time with McLaggen," Kiara murmured and Hermione stared at Kiara with a pink face.

"N-No... Ron doesn't... Don't be ridiculous Kiara."

Kiara smirked. "Whatever you say Hermione but I can see a jealous Ronald when I see one."

Hermione's cheeks were crimson but she didn't say a word, knowing that Kiara's knowing smirk wouldn't disappear. It was the same, familiar look that Hermione gave Kiara last year when she denied that Fred liked her.

The two walked to Slughorn's Office together, hearing the soft lull of music from the corridor. "What are these dinners like 'Mione?"

"Oh, they're not that bad. He talks about his famous exploits a bit but he absolutely fawns over McLaggen. I think he might do the same with you tonight though, considering you're an Arcus Oculus. He's been raving on about it for weeks and how you're more powerful than us all."

Kiara groaned. "I can't wait. He shouldn't be saying any of that though, my elemental powers are meant to be a secret."

"I honestly don't believe that Slughorn believes in secrets."

When they arrived, Hermione knocked on the door twice. It swung open, almost immediately, revealing Professor Slughorn's large belly in the doorway.

"Miss Granger! Welcome once again! And Miss Malfoy, I am honoured that you have finally made it to one of my suppers. Come in, sit down!"

Those who were present in Slughorn's compartment from the Hogwarts Express were already seated around a large circular table, a plate of Shepherd's pie in front of each. There were only three seats empty, one of which next to Ginny who smiled at her friends. The other two seats were on the right of McLaggen. Hermione made a beeline for the seat next to Ginny, leaving Kiara alone to sit across the table next to McLaggen. He didn't acknowledge Kiara's presence however, his eyes focused on Hermione as he stared at her intriguingly. Hermione's eyes widened in surprise as she turned to Ginny, speaking to her in a hushed voice and avoiding his stare.

Blaise Zabini glared at Kiara who sent back an equally dark look. She glanced around the room, taking in Slughorn's office. It seemed to be much larger than any usual teacher's study but the ceilings and walls were draped with emerald, crimson and gold hangings. It was evident that Slughorn's house was Slytherin.

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