You'll fall

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We are in a big, grey, almost empty flat. The big windows are showing the large, grey city underneath the infinite grey sky. The man on the bed is just lying there, not moving an inch. It is one of these days when he just can't feel anything. Staring at the ceiling, his mind is abnormally blank. He doesn't know what to think, or what to feel. So he doesn't think or feel anything. He clearly needs something in his life. To burst it on fire and transform it into something real. To make him feels alive.

If he views his life from an outsider, he has everything. A job, hobbies, friends, an apartment and although he is still young, he had seen so many beautiful places. He had met a lot of people, fucked as much as he wanted to when he wanted to, drank and smoke everything he wished to try. He had lived a lot of the "good stuff". Because he has a good work and won good money, with which he could buy stuff he wanted. So, from the outside, he should be happy, complete. But he isn't. He doesn't know what is missing. Of course, he's got an idea, the exact same his friend has when he is thirty feet underneath the ground.

"Maybe you need someone to love you." They were saying.

"Love?" He was answering, unfazed. "I have love, more than I deserve. I don't need more of it." He would laugh and roll his eyes. Because really, in times like this, it sounded absurd to him.

"Not this kind of love." His friends would point out even if he clearly understood their point.

And then, he was thinking. Would it be possible for him, to find this so desired love? The one in which you fall so deeply you can never got up again. The one you know would last the second you met someone. The one you know will be forever. The perfect alignment of two souls. The red thread of fate. Would it even be possible? In 29 years he never fell in love, so when? He was forgetting it after awhile because he wasn't desperate to find it. For now, he doesn't need to hardly search for it. He just hopes it would fall on him like the rain, unexpectedly and hard.

As he is still lying empty, he hears his phone ring, making him blench and gasp, waking him up of his trance. He extends his arm to reach the mobile and just answers without looking at the screen.


"Gray, there's a party tonight at the bar. Come!" That was his best friend at the end of the line.

"Who's gonna be there?" He sounded so annoyed.

"People of the society? Come and that's it. We'll be there around ten. Come."

He sighed. "Fine."

"Good. See ya!" On that he hung up.

He let his arm fall back onto the mattress. Shouldn't he do something? Like stand up, take a shower and prepare? He doesn't know. He just wants to lay there. Without noticing, the day passes and he now can see the sun slowly disappearing behind the building and the clouds clearing away. Tomorrow will be sunnier. He decides to finally get up and prepare for the night.

When he arrives at the bar, it is already full of people. He doesn't have trouble finding his friends though. They all have colourful hair and are indistinguishable from the others. He greets everyone and is saluted by taps on the shoulders. They then enjoy jokes flying around and glasses of beer passing by. Whenever he was feeling down, having a great time with his mates has been the solution.

At some point, as he is seated on the corner of the booth and has his eyes wondering around, not listening to a word Erza utters, his attention suddenly stops on someone. She just entered the place, weirdly alone, and he gets stuck on her. It's like he is seeing her walking in slow motion. She has a skin as white as snow, hair as blue as the sky and eyes like the ocean. He can guess her long legs underneath her longer dress, see her thin fingers as she takes off her jacket and place it on her chair. And at the same time, feel something so different coming out of her. At this moment, he fucking knows, he can't let her go.

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