Hair tie

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"Dad, can you do my hair?"

Gray turned to his daughter, not stopping his morning duty; folding the laundry. When they started living together, Juvia often made him do tasks she needed to do within the day but couldn't deal with like she wanted to, simply because she had something else on her hands. With time, they adjusted naturally and shared tasks without thinking about it. After that he learned the hard way that there literally was always something to do in a house with kids. Right now, like every morning, Juvia was busy taking care of their daughter's hairstyle while he took care of folding the laundry. It was a little routine that they comfortably fell into without effort. So it surprises him to see Sylvia requesting to change that, knowing really well that she likes every moment she spends with her mom. She always comes out of her room all happy to show him how Juvia styled her hair for the day.

"Where is your mother? Can't she do it?" He asks, looking behind her small figure, trying to see if Juvia was nearby.

"Mom can, she was going to. But I want you to do it." She answered firmly.

Gray laughed at that, but stopped when he saw his daughter looking quite serious. "You want ME to do your hair?"

"Yes." She said, and he couldn't stop smiling at how cute Sylvia was with her hair all messy and her resolute features.

"But dad doesn't know how to do it, while mom does it every day and it always looks good. Aren't you happy with how mom does your hair?" He questions her to understand her motive.

"I am, dad. But today I want you to do it."

"Have you really thought this through? Your hair is not gonna look really good today if I do it."

"Dad, mom will be with us and tell you what to do. She is waiting in my bedroom so come do my hair." She commands him before leaving the room. Gray looks at her form going away, astonished. His daughter was going to be a great leader, she'll definitely have everyone at her feet and he doesn't know where that came from. Actually, maybe he does, she has an incredible mom and so many strong aunts. If she'll ever be insecure about something, it'll only last a second because she knows she always could confide in anyone from the guild and he was so grateful for that.

"Daaaaaaad!" She called from her room, clearly getting impatient.

"But really how am I being ordered around by a 6 year old?" He folded one last shirt and left the room to find his wife and his daughter seated in front of her small dressing table. He looked at Juvia questionably. "Why all of a sudden?"

"Don't ask me." She got up and motioned him to the chair she was previously seated on behind their kid. "She suddenly said: 'Sorry Mom but I want Dad to do it today.' And when Juvia asked her about it she just left to go see you."

Gray sat with an 'ok', then took the brush and started brushing her hair delicately. He'd done it a few times already but brushing her hair and actually styling it are two big different things.

"It's not against you, mom, I love it when you do it. But I also want dad to learn, just in case. Teach him please." She informs, looking at Juvia through the mirror. It made Juvia chuckle to see her being so serious.

"Mom will do it sweetheart, don't worry. Now tell dad what you want."

"Ponytails! Low, please dad."

"Alright, that shouldn't be really hard."

"I know. I'm starting easy. If I ask you for braids right away it'll take hours."

"Thank you I guess." He looks at Juvia with surprise but she only chuckles and shrugs it off before proceeding to tell him the three things he had to do.

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