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In a small house in Magnolia, the silence filled every room. Every room but one. A couple just started to have a hot make out session. Their half naked bodies touching one another, small moans coming out of their mouths. They were kissing intensely, lips, neck, torso, every bit of skin they could find. The black haired man separated his body from his blue haired partner and took off the long skirt she still had on then came back to kissing her as quickly as possible. Juvia was caressing his back all over, touching every muscle before getting down and placing her hands underneath his boxers, pinching his ass. Gray started going down, kissing her jaw, her neck, leaving some purple marks on the way to her cleavage. He kept kissing her skin while moving down to her stomach. The mood was perfect.

"Hey, Juvia." He whispered, his lips inches from her shivering skin.

"Hum?" She responded in a moan, panting because she wanted him so much right now.

"Let's make a baby." That took her by surprise and that sure came out of nowhere knowing it came out of Gray's mouth. He was still working on kissing her belly where her scar is but once he felt her body tense, he stopped all movements before looking at her. And there was the problem, seconds before, her face was happy and full of pleasure and now she looked so sad and guilty. So much that she couldn't look at him. "Hey, what's wrong?" He placed his hand on her cheek and tried to turn her head so she could look at him but she was definitely avoiding him. "Juvs?"

"I ... It's just that ..." She tried to tell him. She wanted to, but she had been avoiding the subject for so long now, she was afraid it was too late and that he'd get really angry. She didn't want him to be as disappointed as she had been. She remenbered how empty and lonely she had felt once she knew. She remenbered she couldn't face him. She hadn't been able to look at him or talk to him or touch him. She was scared she'd tell him unconsicously in a random converssation and she didn't want that. She was in love with him but they weren't together, there was no reason to tell him. She didn't want anybody pitying her, she just needed to be alone with her thoughts. She needed to go through it alone, no one could know. It would be her life now, it would always be her mind and her useless body stuck together. She had decided to go through it alone, and it had worked. 

"That's okay, we'll talk about it later if it makes you sad. Though I know you want some so you can't tell me you changed your mind, love." He bent down to kiss her forehead and somehow it soothes her and she finally gives him a small smirk.

"Of course Juvia wants babies, especially with you." She says before meeting his gaze with those sweet sad eyes. "But that's the problem."

Now he's even more confused, his brows furrow and she can basically read all of his questions in his eyes. She knew she should explain right now and not make him wait another second but she needs those seconds because the confession is to happen right now. She had avoided it enough, now he was right here, his face centimeters away from hers and there is just no way she's chickening out now. So she just needed a moment to breathe and built up her courage.

"All those years ago, not long after Invel. Juvia went to see Polyussica because I wasn't having my periods." Gray didn't look like he was placing the pieces together but maybe it was because he didn't want to. "It seems like, when Juvia stabbed herself, she destroyed her right ovary. Polyussica suggested that the shock had been so sudden, everything just shut down. Juvia's been meaning to tell you but she thought that if you didn't want any that'll be fine. Juvia's sorry, but she can't have kids anymore."

A tear fell from her eyes while she saw his darkened. Was he angry she didn't tell him before? Because suddenly he couldn't look at her. His head fell in the crook of her neck, subtly hiding his face. They just stayed in silence for a few minutes, with her gently caressing his hair and him letting out a few tears fall on her shoulder, his breath gently brushing her skin.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled in her neck." It's my fault, if I could have protected you back then, we ..." Gray wasn't angry with her, he was angry at himself. She heard his voice break down so she took a hold of his shoulders to bring him up so she could look at him. She placed both of her hands on his face and kissed him gently.

"Hey, that's okay, it's no one's fault." She reassured him.

"I know how much you wanted children of your own, and I wanted them to be mine as well, that is a big deal."

"Juvia made her peace with it now, it's been years. Now it's your turn. We won't have a proper family but Juvia will always have you. That's plenty enough for Juvia." She smiled gently.

"Tsk, I wasn't even there to help you go through it." He looked so sad and angry with himself, it made her a little lighthearted.

"We weren't together at the time, Juvia wasn't going to tell you, it wasn't your business. Obviously Juvia was going to tell you no matter what, but I knew it wasn't the right time to, back then."

"Well, we were close enough, I could have helped." She looked at him with a 'Really?' look and he stopped arguing because obviously he knew she was right. It hadn't been his business then but it was now and he just wished she had asked him for help at the time. Even if it was in the form of eating a lot of ice cream and watching romantic movies for a few days. Thinking about it, he remembers there was a week when she wasn't there at that time, she had gone alone on a mission. It probably wasn't a mission, she probably needed to be alone and took a week to process the information away from everybody. Either way, he was here now, so he kissed her tenderly before placing his forehead against hers.

"I love you, no matter what." He whispered.

"I love you too, Gray-sama." She chuckled, caressing his hair. They stayed here, forehead against the other's, breath hitting the other's face peacefully. Closing their eyes to fully take in the moment. After a few silent minutes, he opened his eyes and backed away. His eyes weren't dark with sadness anymore, quite the contrary, they were filled with hope now.

"Hey, you know, Ul took me in when I was a child and I loved her as much as my mom. And you didn't have a great childhood at the orphanage, but you could have. Let's give hope to one of them, let's adopt a kid. We'll definitely make one or two happy."

She was surprised, first at herself, because the idea never crossed her mind and she felt stupid for it, and then at him, because he was the one having it. She looked at him and saw in his eyes that he was dead serious. She chuckled and smiled because she didn't think she could love him more, although at this moment, she worried that she'll never be able to love him more than right now.

"Let's adopt a baby!" Juvia said cheerfully. Gray smiled and kissed her passionately again. They whispered sweet 'I love you's' into their ears again and again before continuing where they left off. They will have a family soon. They were happy. 


Wrote this a few years back and I guess it echoes the one you'll read in two chapters but it ain't related. I just love the idea of Gruvia adopting. 

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