Happy Gruvia New Year !

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Tonight, it is New Year's Eve. People are preparing to go to parties, to meet with friends, family, to stay comfortably at home, alone or at two. Some were thinking about how drunk they were going to be, or how many conquests they will be able to bring home, how much spliff they will smoke or how many inappropriate jokes their uncle would make.

Among these people, two souls were simply thinking about what they were going to wear for the night, taking a shower and eating something before leaving, not knowing what was awaiting them.

A young woman with blue hair in her twenties was gazing at her closet thinking so hard about which dress she should wear. Nowadays you have to take a lot of things into consideration. Am I going to drink too much, fall and everyone will see my panties? Will a guy stick to me because I'm wearing something too short or too décolleté? What if my feet hurt with those heels and I can't walk home and something happens? Aaaaah, pressure on women is too strong. Can't live without thinking of the consequences.

Anyhow, she chose a dress at last, one she will be comfortable in, with some short heels.

She had a feeling that something would happen tonight. That she will meet someone. Someone special. But who meets the love of their lives on New Year's Eve? No one, really. Still, she kept hoping. Not that she is desperate to have a boyfriend. It's just, it would be nice to meet someone. Once she is done taking a shower, drying her hair and dressing, she checks herself in the mirror and thinks she looks great. She decides to eat something before leaving so her stomach wouldn't be empty if she drinks. She looks at the time, 9:30. Good, her friend told her they would meet at ten, she is in time. She takes her purse, her phone, her keys, checks if she hadn't forgotten anything and throws her jacket on her shoulders before closing the door and leaving. She pushes the button to call the elevator and waits for it to stop in front of her.

When it did, the doors opened and she pressed the button of the ground floor. The elevator went down only to stop at the floor just below. When the doors open, she sees a tall man with black hair, wearing a tuxedo of the same color. She smiles at him, and so does he.

"Hello, Gray-sama. Going to a party ?" She asks as he goes to press the same button as hers, but when he sees it was already pressed, he moved back and looked at her.

"So do you, I see." She nodded in confirmation and as the doors closed, they fell in a comfortable silence.

Gray was living in the apartment just below hers, literally. They kept on meeting in the elevator. At first, they were only smiling at each other or nodding in each other's direction. Then one day, Juvia decided to introduce herself as they were meeting so frequently. Since then, when they meet, they ask about how they are, how was their day or week, how was work and some other easy questions that required easy answers. Although, they both were happy to see each other every time. Juvia couldn't deny that she had a crush on him. Other than the fact that he was freaking handsome, he was nice and always smiled at her. He somehow also is mysterious, she bet that a few times, when she looked in his eyes, they were completely empty. It didn't make him less attractive.

On his side, he couldn't deny to himself that she was beautiful, and, on pretty rare occasions when he couldn't control his thoughts, he'd found himself thinking that she was sexy, like tonight. She had always smiled at him, even in the very first times when he didn't care and wasn't polite to any of his neighbors. Even if he had tried not to respond to her smiles for some time, she was too nice, caring and beautiful to ignore. He loved her blue hair and the way she'd look at him. Plus, it always felt good to talk to her. She was really understanding. Whenever he was in a bad mood and they would meet, she would ask him if he was okay, he would answer by a "hum" and she would let him be. So she never saw the wrong side of him. Which he was thankful for. If she had, he isn't sure she'll still like him.

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