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Ok these are two *very* small, different stories but enjoy either way.

"Gray-sama, Juvia's cold." She told him once, while standing next to the refrigerated section of the supermarket, wearing a small summer dress.

He looked at her with a questionable look, she just stood there with her arms around her and a pout to prove her point.

"Well, don't stay there." He simply told her while looking away and picking an item to put it in the basket. In the corner of his eye, he could see her open the door and get closer to the cold.

"Gray-sama, Juvia's cold." She repeated, this time with her arms open and a wicked smile. Well, now the message was clear.

"Right now?" He asked. She nodded her positive answer. He rolled his eyes and sighed. Not because he was annoyed of course, but because she was exasperating. What kind of move was that?

He left his basket on the floor and took a step to take her in his arms. She smiled happily while holding him closer, she placed her head on his shoulder and giggled.

"Juvia suddenly feels warmer." She whispered in his ear while caressing his nape. They must look so weird, hugging in the refrigerator, in the middle of food with people passing by. But neither Juvia nor Gray really cares. If she needed a hug in the middle of a thunderstorm, he'd gladly obliged. From then on, if Juvia ever said she was cold, Gray knew what he had to do. Embrace her body and hold her tight in his arms, shoving his head in her neck, standing there like they were the only one in the whole world.


The sound of the wind going through between the numerous houses reminded Gray that it was cold. He was casually walking towards the guild, the grey clouds above following him in his path. Each of his steps echoed from the empty streets. It started to get late and most people were comfortable in the warmth of their home. Gray needed some air and he doesn't really remember an evening he hasn't spent at the guild anyway. The cool air was relaxing, he could smell the snow coming. It'll fall tonight.

He entered the guild and directly walked towards a particular table.

"Gray, your shirt. Seriously, it's freezing out there. One day you'll really get sick and you'll see." Lucy told him, not getting her eyes away from her book. Easy for her to say, she had a literal human heater seated next to her, she could dress however she wanted, he'll always be next to her, warming her up.

"Shit." He took a quick look around but found nothing. "Probably lost it in the street. I've never been and never will be sick from getting a cold and you know it. So it doesn't matter."

She responded with a quick raise of an eyebrow and carried on reading. He took the seat in front of her, next to the small figure of Wendy who was playing some card games with Carla and Erza.

"Don't you ever get even a shiver sometimes, Gray-san?" She asked him once he settled in his seat. He wondered before answering.

"I do, sometimes. But it isn't caused by the cold or the wind." A small smile appeared on the side of his lips, clearly thinking about whatever could cause him shivers.

"By what then?" Wendy continued on asking.

"I can't tell you that." Now, a real big smile formed on his face. The others gave him a quick look, an idea had crossed their minds. The same idea, the same reason why, but they kept silent. The only time, since they knew him, they had seen him shiver, was when Erza appeared while he and Natsu were fighting. But this was obviously not what he was thinking about or he would have told Wendy. This was different. Something else, someone else in particular was the cause.

He waited until the girls had finished their game to join them. If Carla was winning before, now it was his turn. Erza kinda sucked at card games and Wendy could be really strong sometimes but now that he was here there was no chance for her to win.

"Gray-sama." He was focused but he still looked behind him to see Juvia approach. He smirked at her, she was wearing her winter dress. She was all covered up, she looked cosy, even if it still had the opening at her legs, always on display for his eyes. "Juvia found your shirt in the street. You should be more careful, someone will steal them one of these days."

She gave it to him and he put it back with a 'thank you' and a smile.

"You can't spend all of your money on clothes that you barely wear."

"I know, don't worry. Wanna go somewhere after I win this?" He pointed to the game and she smiled at the unnoticed looks behind Gray's back.

"Yes. Juvia has to see Gajeel-kun first. She'll see you after." She brushed her hand against his shoulder and left the group behind. Gray looked at her go for a second then turned back to refocus on the game. Eyes were on him.

"What?" He asked, his previous smile absent from his face.

"Nothing." They told him. But he knew they knew. One touch of her hand on his shoulder and he could still feel the hair on his nape dressing up. Gray wasn't a physical person so of course he wasn't used to being touched. Fighting Natsu or hugging his friends could barely be considered touching. For years that had been all he knew. Nonetheless, every time she touched him, every breath that caressed his neck, every kiss on his cheeks, even when she held his hand. She makes him shiver, her presence, her skin. His body reacts way before he can think. She does things to him without even knowing it. She is the only one who ever made him feel like this, and it was so thrilling.



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