Letters 1

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One day on late afternoon, Juvia's blue hair were waving behind her back with the wind as she was walking in Magnolia's streets to go home, take time to herself for an hour in her bath and do other things she had to do before going to bed. The sky was a mix of red and orange as the sun was slowly setting down. The clouds were giving a perfect effect of paintings to the view and she took a minute to take a mental photograph of that, taking a deep breath at the same time. A smirk appeared on her lips as she kept walking.

When she reached her place, she checked her letter box just before entering her flat. She never had a lot of mail but she took the habit to look inside the box everyday just in case. She wasn't so surprised when she saw a single letter there. When she took it, she analyzed it but saw no name or address from the expediter. She unconsciously furrowed her eyebrows. Who would send her a letter ? Apart from Gray and team Natsu, all of her friends were here and all the people she knew before wouldn't ever send her anything, and vice versa. So she closed the box and entered her flat, closing the door behind her. She placed her keys on the counter and reached her desk to take the tool which opened the envelopes. All that without looking at anything else but the letter in her hands. She sat on the bed, placed the tool in the interstice to open the paper but stopped her movement suddenly. She was a little stressed. She never received an anonymous letter before. She was a little excited to know who it was. But what if it was someone she didn't like or anything bad ? She quickly shook her head. If it was anything bad, she had Fairy Tail and some of her strongest friends were one door away. It was okay.

So imagine her surprise when she unfolded the letter and that her eyes directly went to the signature just to see Gray's name there. Her eyes went big as balloons, her eyebrows rose up, following, but after a few seconds a smile appeared on her lips. Okay, she wasn't prepared for that. Her Gray-sama just send her a letter just like that out of the blue. Her face relaxed. Was he okay ? It was really out of Gray's character. And at the same time not really. This gesture only meant one thing, he wanted to let her know that he thought about her and that he missed her, even just a tiny bit. It was him speaking his feelings out. She just needed to read the letter without crying now.

"Hey Juvia,

Don't ask me why I'm doing this. I don't even know. You and me know this is really surprising. I'm telling you right now, this is not gonna make any sense.

Anyway, we are camping close to a plain, that I am admiring right now. I took a moment to myself because you know, being 24/7 with them can be overwhelming. I can see far away as the horizon is almost a perfect line, the sun is setting down but provide enough light for me to write. It must have rained here a few hours before because it smells like it and it makes the air fresh. It's calming me down. Maybe that's why I'm writing to you. Or maybe not, I don't know, really.

I just wanted to know if you were okay even if you can't write me back as we are constantly moving. When you'll read this I'll probably be a thousand miles away from where I am right now. Heck maybe I'm writing another letter at the moment you read this one. Yeah I'll probably write others. I hope that's okay. Who am I kidding ? I'm sure it's fine with you. You'll probably remind me of these to tease me in 20 years.

So it was just to say we are fine. I'm fine. I'm sure everyone's okay at home as well. I hope you are. Be careful on missions. Take care of yourself.
I'll see you when I see you.

Yours, Gray."

A tear of happiness fell on her cheek. If she knew Gray had it in him, she would have asked him to write her from the start. She smelled the paper but it wasn't smelling like him, unfortunately. She kissed it anyway and placed it close to her chest. Just the fact that he was thinking about her warmed her heart. Knowing he was fine was reliving. They had no way whatsoever to communicate with them and not knowing if they were in a death threat situation or not was stressful at times. She was so happy she couldn't stop smiling. She let out a laugh. He wrote "Yours." willingly. A wave of love rushed all over her body. She kissed the letter one more time before wrapping it in the envelope once more. Deciding she'll most likely read it again later. Humming, she went to the bathroom to prepare her bath.

The next morning, when she entered the guild looking so happy, some people asked her what happened but she answered she couldn't say as it will embarrass someone. They didn't need to be geniuses to know it was something to do with Gray, but no one else asked any further questions.


Drawing by Giushia

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