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Magnolia was sunny on this early afternoon. The city was noisy, everyone was outside. It was spring after all, the temperature was perfect, the trees, plants and flowers looked beautiful, the businesses were running wild and the parks and streets were black of people. It was a good season, it was a good day.

The jet black hair ice mage was walking around the streets, looking quite distressed and in a hurry. He was searching for his blue haired friend. The last time he has seen her was the day before, they had walked half the way home together like they often did and that's all. He hadn't seen her this morning, which was odd but not so unusual. Although once Gajeel reached the guild later this morning, he had searched Gray and confronted him. Gray knew something was up when he saw the angry men coming toward him with hatred in his eyes, however, once he reached the table, he spoke calmly.

"What did you do ?" he asked Gray, fist on the table, seriousness written all over his face.

"What did I do ?" Gray replied in confusion, not understanding what was happening.

"I saw Juvia this morning. She wasn't feeling well. She said it was nothing but it's never nothing. You're the last one who've seen her yesterday." He didn't ask himself if it could be anything else after he pushed Juvia to tell him why she was like that and that she kept answering that she was just felling blue for no reason. He knew her. It was never for "no reason" and even if it oddly was, he couldn't do anything about it and it pissed him off. Gray could but asking for his help was never going to happen.

Gray frowned, thinking. Last night she had been alright. They had walked calmly and in silence aside from her joyous humming and some small talk. She was her normal self, smiling, humming, laughing. When their path separated she had kissed him quickly on the cheek and waved him bye. He had watch her go all happy till he couldn't see her anymore and that was it. "Well, she was fine yesterday. I'll go check."

"You better." Gajeel said harshly before leaving. At this point, Gray didn't waste a second and went to search for her. He couldn't deny that he was a tiny bit worried now. The faster he'll find her, the better. Where could he look for though ? First he walked around town, searching inside his mind as well as in all the streets where she could hide. So here he was now, after some mindful research, in the forest. He thought she had to be somewhere green, but after he visited all parks, he understood that she also needed somewhere calm. Once he entered the forest, he just followed the river and after walking a few yards, he founded her. She was laying on the floor, legs in the water, upper body on the grass, eyes closed and arms extended horizontally. Although he wouldn't say she looked happy, she looked peaceful enough not to worry. Just looking at her didn't gave him any idea of what's wrong. He knew she wouldn't let anyone see she wasn't okay in any case anyway. So he silently moved closer to her and sat by her side. A smile appeared on her face but she didn't do anything else.

"Juvia sensed you coming." He smiled as well, of course she has. She opened her eyes and met his gaze. "Hey." She whispered.

"Hey. What are you doing ?"

"Relaxing. Were you looking for Juvia ?" she said on a funny tone, chuckling as if she just made a joke.

"Yes." He simply answered. She stopped all of a sudden, looking surprised.

"Really ?"

"Yes." His face has relaxed the moment he found her, but now it was starting to contract again. Was it this surprising that he was chasing after her and not the opposite ? It wasn't the first time he had looked for her. If he was honest, his eyes were following her really often when she wasn't close to him. He had been pretty sure she sensed him looking most of the time and she had catches him a few times. So it wasn't supposed to be so surprising.

She stood up. He really was looking for her. It must be important. She suddenly felt worried.

"Is Gray-sama okay ? What happened ?"

Gray felt really offended at this point and furrowed his brows and opened his mouth mechanically.

"Why is it so surprising ? I'm coming for you sometimes !"

"Rarely." she told him, smiling knowingly. He did, of course, but it never was for an important matter like it seems to be now. It usually was because he wanted to be with her or talk shit with her or something. Don't be mistaken, she loves it. Nonetheless, she wished it would be for taking this weight in his heart more often.

"Anyway." He looked away in front of him for a second before looking at her again. "I'm here for you. Gajeel told me you did not seem okay. What happened ? Are you alright ?" He saw her sigh and roll her eyes then looking at her feet.

"I told Gajeel-kun it was nothing to worry about." She didn't talk for a while and Gray just looked at her, waiting for her to say what was wrong. They stayed silent for a moment, just them and the forest's sound. "I don't know. Juvia woke up feeling blue this morning." She turned her head to look at him in the eyes. She smiled sweetly. "I guess even Juvia can't feel happy all the time."

"And that's okay. You sure there's nothing deep inside that you're hiding from us but you don't want to talk about ?" She chuckled but moved her head 'no' to reassure him."Can I do anything ?"

"Not really. Thank you anyway, Gray-sama."

"I'll stay if that's okay ?"

"It will always be." They smiled to each other before Juvia looked away and laid down again, palms up. Gray looked in front of him and, without thinking, took her hand in his. It's the least he can do, he wants to do it to send her comfort. He doesn't see her smile widen at the action but he feels her fingers closing around his hand. They stayed looking stupid like this together for some time, maybe minutes, maybe hours, they do not know. It was a long time before Gray spoke again.

"Do you want to drive somewhere ?" She opened her eyes and stood up once more, and without any hesitation, she said yes. So they stood on their feet and left the forest, all without separating their hands. They were walking in silence, she was looking at him adoringly and smiling like an idiot. She doesn't even know where they would go, she can ask him, but she doesn't really care. She would go anywhere with him. As happy as she is, she doesn't even feel the empty feeling that she had in her body all day go away. She just feels the love she always had for him. In every fiber, every organs, every cells, every beating of her heart is full of her love. They only let go of the other when they arrived at the car. Gray sat on the driver's sit and Juvia on the passenger one. Then they drove. Anywhere they wanted to go. The opened windows were making Juvia's blue hair fly behind her. If felt really soothing to feel the air on her face and into her hair, having Gray by her side was helping a lot. She extended her arms behind her and laughed at the sensations she was feeling. God she felt good. Hearing her laugh made him smile, he quickly send her a few gazes. She looked beautiful. Being happy suited her. Their eyes met for a few seconds before Gray focused on the road again. That's all that they needed to express what they were feeling at this instant. She, on the other hand, kept looking at him. When he took her hand earlier, she knew he'll always be here for her. She wasn't aware of that before. She knew if she'd ask, he'll be there, of course, but she did not know he'll support her no matter what by his own will. If she had doubt that he loved her back before, she hadn't had any right at this moment. And it also made her love him more. So she placed one of her hand at the back of his neck, he didn't reacted one bit as though she had always done this, then she moved fast to kiss his cheek like she had done the night before. She always had to do it fast just in case he would back away from her. He just smiled widely and she properly sat back in her sit, closing her eyes, enjoying the moment, soothing herself with the circling movement of her fingers in his hair and the wind on her face.


°Inspired by Drive - Ashton Irwin (go listen to his new album Superbloom because my love is perfect and so is his music)

°Art by chsabina

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