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"Don't." Gray tried to talk, but his voice was hoarse and his throat so dry. He didn't know if it was because of the cold air or from all of the blood that came out of his mouth earlier. The entirety of his body hurt like he never knew before. Trying to get up doesn't even cross his mind, he knows he won't be able to stand on his feet, laying down on the floor hurts him enough. He's got to go to her though. Her powers are still working somehow, she's been giving him blood for who knows how long. She lays unconscious near him, he hopes she's still alive but she looks so dead he's scared to come closer. He feels the knot form in his throat. Gray starts to crawl, he needs to act, to be by her side and feel if her heart is still beating. If he stands there he's gonna cry and he can't afford that luxury right now. He groans through the pain, feeling his open wound brushing against the cold, muddy wet ground. He clenched his teeth harder and harder each time he got to move his arms up to push his body forward. Juvia layed less than a meter away from him and yet, the journey to meet her face felt like an eternity. She looked paler than ever, with all the blood she had lost, it wasn't a surprise but it made his anxiety grow bigger.

"Juvia." Gray tried to call for her but his voice was barely a whisper, his throat was so tight now he couldn't even swallow. He placed a hand on her cheek, her skin felt colder than every piece of ice he's ever touched. Moving his fingers on her neck, he tried to feel her pulse but couldn't find anything. He started to panic more than ever, the water in his eyes was welling up by the second. Breathing heavily, he took her wrist and placed his head on her chest. Then he stopped to breathe all together, trying to focus on her heartbeat. He couldn't feel anything at the tip of his fingers, but after a moment he heard a beat. His eyes widened and waited for another. It came too long after the first one. Her heart was still beating but it was so faint and weak. If nothing is done to save her right now, she'll die for sure.

Gray looked around him, only to confirm what he already knew. The place was deserted. There wasn't a soul around. He was powerless. No piece of clothing would help stop the bleeding, and even if it slowed it, she'd need warmth. No, the hell with all of that, she needed magic healing right now. He felt so useless. The tears started to fall without his notice. He was grunting, moaning and groaning. Sounding desperate and so freaking useless. He looked at her again, taking her head between his large hands, brushing her blue locks away and trying to wipe the blood out of her cheeks, unsuccessfully. Drops of his tears fell on her face, hitting her tainted skin. She looked so peaceful. How could she not? She had taken her own life to save him, and so did he. Confirming what everyone but her knew. Her blood was running through his veins. Gray would move on, she had thought, Gray would be able to live without her somehow. While the other way around was different. But here he was, thinking he'd be better if he was five meters deep into the earth. He ignored his tears, the lump in his throat and the dagger getting deeper and deeper into his heart.

"Don't you die on me, Juvia. Don't you fucking dare die because of me." Gray crushed Juvia's face between his hands, clenching his teeth harder, placing his forehead against her as an attempt to send her his thoughts. All he could feel was her lifeless body under his hot breath and tears. His whole body had been trembling like crazy, he only has been this scared once in his life, and he won't let that pattern be drawn again. He kissed Juvia's cheek with shaky lips before approaching her ear.

"You listen to me, Juvia. You do not die today. You hear me, right? Today is not your day. You're meant to have great adventures, so much laughter. A life filled with joy, laughter and joy. You're also meant to cry and to be sad and angry. Your life does not end here, Juvia Lockser. You just have to hang tight. Alright? Do that for me. I know you can do it, you're meant to stand by my side, remember?" His voice sounded so freaking broken, even whispering the words had been difficult.

Gray was so angry with himself he hit his face on the ground before taking another look at her. She still looked as dead. He knew she wasn't, he knew she was fighting to stay alive. But her will is always gonna be weaker than her injuries. The body could only fight as long as its organs were working, and it wasn't the case right now. He hated himself as much as he loved her. He looked at the sky, maybe to look for a higher power but the sky was only filled with gray clouds, blocking any possible ray of sunlight. So Gray screamed, at the top of his lungs. That's all he could do, scream at the freaking world. He hated all of it. He screamed until his lungs were empty and his vocal cords broken. Then he kept crying over her body.

"Juvia." He whispered, his head laid on her chest. "I beg of you. You've got to live. You've waited for me and I'm ready now so you open your eyes and you let me hold you." He took her unanimated hand in his and pressed it against his cheek. A chuckle came out of Gray's mouth. "You're truly gonna be the death of me." He kissed her hand and placed it back gently on the ground. With great pain, he managed to sit on his knees and freeze his wound so it wouldn't bleed or hurt as much for the time being. He managed to do the same to her wound even though her body wouldn't take it as his will. If he wanted to keep her alive, he could at least try that.

"I've got to go kill that motherfucker for hurting you like this. I know it feels like I'm abandoning you right now but I'm so useless and so angry. Give me a few minutes to go kill him and I'll come back, okay?" He brushed her hair and kissed her cheek. "I promise I'll be back soon, so don't die while I'm away." It took all of his strength to be able to stand up and walk away from her. Maybe while he's out looking for that asshole, he'll find Wendy and rush her to Juvia so she could save her life while he takes another. His rage was growing at each step. Taking that man's life away was exactly what he needed right now. He kept walking like a psychopath with his tight fists and his growing hatred. Ready to kill cold hearted. He'll avenge her, he'll avenge the both of them. No one in this world could take Juvia away from Gray. He truly believes it, maybe that's why he's able to walk away from her right now. He'll take care of everything and once he'll come back, she'll be alright. She'll have to be either way, because to live the rest of his life without her would be literally impossible. If she dies, there's really nothing that could stop him from following her. She's the last person he's living for. She's the last person he'll ever live for.. He wishes it wasn't the case, but it was, and even if the people around him mean the world, they're nothing compared to Juvia.

Fairy Tail mages don't kill their enemies. He'll make an exception today. 


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