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The noise of the door opening loudly broke the guild's silence as team Natsu entered the building and Natsu screamed: "Yo, everyone !" To let everyone know that he was back and he wasn't tired. But someone else was. This mission took the life out of him, he was dead tired. He scanned quickly the whole guild, but didn't find who he was searching for. So he just sat down at a table, crossed his arms and placed his head in between them.

"Just go home already, Gray." Erza advised him, but he just hummed and closed his eyes as he rested silently. After what seems like an eternity, he felt hands on his hair, and he knew it was her. He groaned and turned his head to face her, not moving from the position he was in. She smiled at him.

"Hello, Gray-sama. I'm glad to see you're okay. Though you look very tired. Go home and sleep. Okay ?"

"Hum, where were you, Juvia ?" She looked at him confused and a small "Huh ?" came out of her mouth.

"We've come back for ages, you weren't there." She giggled.

"Erza told me you came back just half an hour ago. I was having a walk at the park, enjoying the sun, you know." She touched his hair slightly again, brushing them gently, just looking at him.

"Did you wait for me ?" She was quite sure of the answer but couldn't help herself to ask anyway.

"Huh, just wanted to make sure you were okay." She stopped moving for a moment, searching something in his eyes, something which said "just kidding" but they were the same as always, dead serious. She couldn't help but smile.

"I'm always okay. Now go home and sleep. I'll see you tomorrow, Gray-sama." She stood up and looked at him, waiting. She shook her head in the direction of the door and clapped her hands to say "Come on, I want to see you out of here !" But all he did was groan and sigh.

"I'm too tired to move." He closed his eyes and engulfed his head further between his arms, until his forehead touched the table. Juvia took his bag and tapped her hands twice on his shoulders.

"Come on, I'm going to help you." He groaned again, she chuckled. "You're so cute when you're tired, Gray-sama."

He was able to stand his head up but that was it. He heard Juvia say "Come on." again as she placed her hands underneath his arms to try to make him stand. He stood up at last, but because he wanted to. She was strong, but she didn't had enough strength to pick him up. He sighed as he placed an arm around her shoulders and they started walking. He saw his friends looking at them but at that moment, he didn't care. She had an arm around him and was holding his hand with the other one. They walked silently to his house. He took his keys from his pocket and slowly opened the door. They entered and Juvia left his bag there then helped him go to his room and let him fall on his bed. She took off his shoes and placed the covers on him. She knew he was going to take his clothes off by himself in his sleep. She kissed his forehead.

"Sleep tight now, Gray-sama." She smiled but he didn't see.

"Thanks, Juvia."

"With pleasure, Gray-sama." She giggled lowly then left the room, then the house. When she came back to the guild, some people teased her at the fact that, even tired, Gray could walk home alone if he really wanted to and just wanted an excuse to spend some time with her. She told them off, laughing, but hoping it was true.

In his sleep, Gray was smiling.


•Art by semi-o

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