New Year Gruvia

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Last night was a proper Fairy Tail party. A fucking mess. Everyone got so drunk they fell asleep on the floor. The most courageous ones found the beds in the infirmary, which wasn’t much. Christmas has already been a bit bad, but New Year. Each being in this building knew how it would end up.

Outside, the sunshine slowly rises up; it’s way too early for anyone to wake up yet. There’s glitter, confetti and balloons on the floor, cups and empty bottles adorn the tables. The Christmas tree hasn’t been removed yet, it is still overlooking the entire hall. In a few hours, most people will find their piece of clothing on the other side of the room, bags in unbelievable places and pictures of their drunken state they wished they could burn.

But all of it was so worth it. They all had so much fun. They began the year as they had finished it; together.

An hour later, eyelids start to show movement. A blue puddle starts to move out of her slumber. Everything hurts, her throat, her legs, her stomach, mostly. Juvia tries to open her eyes but it’s way out of her capacities right now. Behind her lids, she can already see that the sun decided to double the light today. She turns her head in an attempt to find shadow. It only makes her notice the drum fight that’s going on inside her skull. She grunts, but laughs. Some memories just came back into her mind. Ridiculous things, really, but hilarious. Her mouth is so dry, she needs water. But that would mean she needs to stand up and she can barely lay down and be alive at the moment so it promises difficulty at a high level. She rubs her eyes strongly and grunts once more. Suddenly, her eyes open. An honest mistake, they burn like hell. She blinks and blinks and after a few minutes, her pupils are finally used to the light. The need to puke is slowly installing itself within her. She deeply tries to ignore it, without success. Breathing, deep breathing, that should help, you’d think, unless you try to sit up and it gets worse. Her stomach, her head, her heart, her liver, nothing is alright. Her poor organs are fighting for their lives.

Juvia takes a look around and sees the mess. Fuck, who would clean this mess when half of them would be with their heads in the toilet?

Unconsciously, before getting to go to the said toilet then the bar for some fresh water, she looks for a black haired head. She finds him half naked on the stairs across the other side of the guild. Her pain increases at the sight of his. His poor back, she wonders how he is able to sleep like that on stairs while his muscles and bones are their highest pain. She smiles, he has been the first one to wish her a happy new year. At minus five seconds, he appeared next to her like a magician. They had shared a midnight kiss, not the best one since the start of their relationship but the messier one for sure. It had been funny.

Juvia finally finds the strength to get up. Walking straight would have been hard enough, she thinks, but zigzagging between people sleeping is the hardest shit she has ever done. The goal, aka; the toilets, are achieved. Although she pees tons and tons, her stomach only pokes her as a punishment. Behind the bar, she takes a big glass of water she drinks slowly. She is too focused on trying not to puke right here and there, she doesn’t immediately hears the loud grunts coming from the stairs.

Poor Gray emerges with a back that feels like someone had just crashed into him with their car. He doesn’t open his eyes before straightening his back and having a big big stretch with loud grunts and deep inhales and exhales. When he opens his eyes, he’s only blinded by the light, at first, but then, when they focus, the first thing he sees is her. She is standing behind the bar with a glass in her hand, clearly smiling because she had just witnessed his catlike wake up. How can she be hungover and still look so beautiful? He has no idea. The only certainty is that the sight of her instantly brings a smile on his face.

He holds strongly upon the rail to get up. His head turns a little, he’s not certain it’s the alcohol still present in his blood. Franckly, it might be her. Once he finds his balance, he starts to join her. She is walking towards him, she seems to be less hungover than him. He nearly trips on heads or arms and he definitely walks on one or two fingers but it doesn’t matter. Here she is, upon his reach. Gray holds his hand, Juvia immediately finds it. Their fingers cross and when their bodies meet, they hug intensely. Oh feeling her in his arms, holding him for the first time of the year, that’s a heaven sent feeling. They stay closely wrapped for a while. Their scent, their warmth, the comforting shape of their bodies aligning perfectly into each other. Heads buried in the neck of their partner, gentle touches of finger tips on necks or fingers caressing long blue locks. They separate minutes later only to connect their foreheads against each other. The look in their eyes, the love they hold, the comfort they send. They’re smiling even though their bodies are actively fighting the amount of intoxication they have running through their veins.

“Happy New Year, Juvia.”

“Happy New Year, Gray-sama.”

They don’t need any more words, dry lips collide gently and passionately. Seconds ago, Juvia’s mouth felt like paste, now, it feels like him. Morning after party buccal energy is not the best, and yet, Juvia is kissing Gray, Gray is kissing Juvia, and it’s one of the best kiss they ever shared. They don’t want to let go, lips open and close on each other, tongues move in coordination, and it’s perfect. Unfortunately, they need to stop if they don’t want to make out on a sticky floor in the middle of the guild.

“Do you think we should clean a bit, before leaving?” Gray asks, knowing the answer.

“Only a bit, bottles and cups should suffice.”

They chuckle and get to work, trying not to wake anyone up. This was Juvia’s best start of the year ever. Cleaning bottles with the love of her life in mischievous silence. She loves it, she loves him. It only takes them fifteen minutes to get rid of everything. On the way to Gray’s house, the couple is all over each other, Juvia almost carries Gray’s weight on her shoulders as he clings to her like a lost dog. They laugh and make jokes about what happened the night before, the streets are empty so it feels like it’s them against the world. They feel powerful, they feel in love.

In front of Gray’s house, Juvia is on the floor laughing her ass off because he can’t seem to enter the key in the keyhole. Her reaction makes him laugh which makes him tremble. His situation is getting worse and it’s only when Juvia decides to help him that the door gets opened. They keep laughing even more because they can’t walk straight and Gray bumps into a chair before almost hitting the wall. Juvia cannot take it anymore, her stomach hurts with all the laughter. The year couldn’t have started better. Finally reaching the bedroom, Gray is already in his boxers and just falls on the bed like a dead weight. Juvia gets undressed and steals a shirt in Gray’s cupboard before joining him beneath the covers.
The laughter dies slowly and soon, they fall back asleep tangled up with each other.

Sunlight gently hits their skin, calm serenity surrounds them. A new dawn begins.


Happy New Year !!! 🎉🎇💜 I hope you had great holidays with people you love or alone with your pets! Hope you ate a nice little meal and didn't get too drunk.

If you ask yourself, yes, there is a Christmas story in my notes but it's way too long and unfinished. (I'm shit at writing long stories.) I thought I wouldn't write anything for NY either but this came yesterday at 3am so, there you have it. You might get Christmas this month though because I really want to finish it !! Anyway, kisses. xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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