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"Okay, now, we have a surprise! I would like to challenge one of you people!" Mira announced. Standing on the stage in her white dress, with only darkness around, a simple circle of light surrounding her, she could be seen by the whole guild, glowing there in the middle of everyone. "I'm gonna question your capacities. I will challenge your senses. I will test your true power."

The person Mira had in mind wasn't actually listening to her at all. She was laughing at a story Levy was telling her about Gajeel. It was so hilarious tears were starting to form at the corner of her eyes. She tried to wipe them off but she hadn't stopped laughing and it only got worse now that she had tears on her fingers and had to wipe her hands with the napkin she had in front of her. She kept wiping, her eyes, her hands, it was endless because the tears weren't stopping so of course at some point logic took over and she waited for the laughter to calm down before she used some tissue to clean all that mess that was now her face.

"Everyone backstage is ready." Mira kept on talking to her audience. "So ,Juvia, can you come up to the stage, please?"

Juvia, now blowing her nose, turned quickly around to see Mira looking at her and waiting. She folded her tissue and before she had the chance to ask, the older woman motioned her to come.

"Yes, you, Juvia. Come on." She added.

Juvia knew she couldn't make Mira wait more, she got up, quickly threw her tissue in the nearer bin, had a change of element to clean her hands and dry them while quickly walking through her guild friends to end up on the stage next to a smiling Mira that definitely had something in mind for her. She gave a look to the public, then to Mira, who still hasn't talked. It made her a little anxious.

"Juvia, I now have a question for you." Juvia nodded. "You have known and loved our dear Gray for ten years and you have been dating him for at least half of the decade so we could say you know him pretty well, right?"

Juvia immediately laughed at that and Mira placed the microphone close to her mouth so she could answer.

"Everyone here has known him since forever and Juvia wouldn't like to hurt anyone's feelings but the fact is that Juvia knows him better than anyone."

"And we wouldn't argue with that." Mira reassured her with a sweet smile. "But what we would like to know is: Would you recognise him amongst other men, while blindfolded?"

Once more, the water mage couldn't help but chuckle at the ridiculous questions Mira was asking her. That's why she replied in a second and without a doubt. "Obviously." It might not have been her intention but she thought she sounded a little mocking and offensive and it made her feel quite bad. Although Mira was still standing tall and proud of herself in front of her and even if she had indeed been offensive, Mira"s eyes were still kind and excited.

"That's what we're gonna see." Mira challenged her. She took out some black fabric from her pocket, placed the microphone on the chair next to her then approached Juvia who voiced an 'ok' and let herself get blindfolded by her cheekiest friend.

Once she was done, Mira picked up the mic once more. " Do you see anything?"

"Can't see her own feet." Juvia tells her.

"Good. Then it is time to make the men come on the stage."

Juvia kept still while she heard different footsteps behind her and everyone cheering and clapping in front of her. She smirked, this is gonna be too easy for her but she couldn't disappoint her audience and there was no way she'd tell them now that she already has an idea as to where her lover is standing. She could sense his stare on her, the cool air surrounding him, her magic getting attracted by his and the absence of noise when he walked on the wooden stage; he wasn't wearing any shoes. It made her smile even more, it was so like him.

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