Chapter 9

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"You were a little rude," I admitted.

"I didn't like the way she was acting," Jeremiah said.

"But that's not okay! You can't just forbid me from seeing her! We're just friends!" I shook my head. "Just because you cheat on me, doesn't mean I cheat on you!"

"Shut the fuck up, you stupid whore!" He moved closer to me. "I wouldn't have cheated on you if you would've just given me what I wanted! It's your fault! Don't you see that?" His eyebrows lowered as he set his hands on the counter on either side of me, trapping me there. I found myself in that position often. "It is your fault, Elliot!"

I nodded as my eyes glossed over. I didn't like when he yelled at me. "Yeah. I'm sorry. You're right. I-I won't talk to her anymore."

He sighed. "You know I don't like yelling at you." I just nodded. "Do you understand that? You're making me yell at you. You get that, right?"

"Yes," I replied quietly, wiping a tear off of my face.

"Good." He kissed my cheek and pulled me into a hug. "Stop crying."

"Sorry." I sighed, calming myself down.

"Do you wanna watch a movie with me?"



I sighed as Jeremiah's phone dinged for the fourth time in the last minute. "Who's blowing your phone up?"

"Nobody. Probably just Jason. I'll silence it."


"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." He tapped my shoulder and I sat up, watching him walk into the bathroom before grabbing his phone and unlocking it. I needed to know if he was lying. I clicked on 'Messages' and the most recently texted person was Gabbie, the stupid bitch he kissed. My throat burned as I bit my lip, trying not to cry. I really thought that was a one time thing.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to break up with him because I didn't have anywhere else to go, but this wasn't okay. I also couldn't address the problem because he would be mad if he found out I went through his messages. I clicked the home button and turned his phone off, setting it back down where it was.

Billie had already texted me a few times but Jeremiah told me not to answer. I felt really terrible about that, but Jeremiah was more important to me than Billie. Billie was nice but Jeremiah was necessary.

I picked my phone up and immediately noticed a text from Claudia, inviting me over. I wondered if he'd let me go. I looked up at him as he walked out of the bathroom and bit my lip nervously. I hoped he didn't somehow notice that I was on his phone. "So, Claudia invited me over."


"Can I go?" I asked after he didn't say anything else.

"No. What part of that conversation did you not get?"

"Well, you never said that I can't go hang out with Claudia. Billie is barely ever over there."

Chasing Air // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now