Chapter 55

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"How is this?" I asked Finneas as I wiped the paint off of my hands.

"Elliot, I won't lie to you." He spun around in his chair to face me and I grew anxious. "When you told me you could paint, I was a bit skeptical. I just couldn't picture it, but this is really good."

I let out a breath, my hand on my chest. "Thank you. It's not done yet, but it's getting there and we don't have much time left at all."

"No kidding. It's Christmas Eve, Elliot. Claudia wants me home. I'm gonna trust you, so here's the key." He tossed me the key to the studio and I caught it, tucking it into my apron. "I have a spare, but try not to lose that. Make sure to lock up when you're done, and keep your phone off silent in case somebody tries to call you. I know how you are." He pointed a stern finger at me.

"Okay, okay. I got it, Fin. Thank you very much." I nodded my head at him. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He shut the door and I was left alone in the quiet room. I was tired, but this was my first time painting for somebody else and I needed it to be perfect. I spent a few more hours working on the finer details. It was a tedious process waiting on the layers to dry so that I could add onto them, and at some point, I allowed myself to sit and take a break before cleaning up and going home.


My head shot up at the sound of my phone ringing. I hissed in frustration as Billie's name flashed across the screen. "Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no." I picked it up. "Billie! I'm so sorry. So, so sorry. I..." I pulled myself up off of the floor, but the tarp didn't agree with my shoes and I fell forwards, landing face-first onto my pallet of pain. "No! No, no, no. Billie?"

"Hey, are you okay?" Billie asked, stifling a laugh on the other line.

"No," I mumbled, angry with myself. "I'm sorry for being out so late. I'll be home quickly."

"Elliot, it's only seven o'clock. You're fine. Just come home soon, okay?" She grew silent waiting on a response.

A lump burned in my throat as I looked around the darkened studio. The mess I'd made. "I'll try," I whispered.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked again.

"Frustrated, is all. I'll be home soon. I love you."

"I love you too," she replied before hanging up. I sighed before getting up and closing all of my paints, bagging up my paint brushes, and wrapping everything up in the tarp. Thankfully, none of the paint got anywhere besides on the tarp I'd laid out. I folded my easel and grabbed the canvas, locking up the studio before making my way out to my car. I got everything loaded up and was about to get in my car only thirty minutes after Billie's call when I noticed a car parked in the lot. Since the place was privately owned, nobody else was meant to be here. I hesitantly made my way over to the car, trying to get a peak inside. I was surprised to see Jeremiah in the car. I thought for a moment before pulling my phone out of my pocket and recording. I kept my hand on my side, hoping it was inconspicuous enough. I knocked on the window and he opened the door.

"Elliot," he called, his voice shaky.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

"Daniel said that having you out with somebody so powerful is too dangerous." He pulled his gun out of his waistband and aimed it up at me. His hand was shaking, which led me to believe he'd be hesitant to pull the trigger. "The cameras around the area have all been covered, so don't think that'll save you. Get in the car."

"This isn't what you want to do, Jeremiah," I said to him, stalling as I thought of the best way to get the gun out of his hand.

"This is exactly what I want to do, Elliot." He took a step towards me. "You might think my hand is shaking out of fear, but it's excitement. I was anticipating the fear in your eyes my entire way here. I live off of it."

"You disgust me," I spat without thinking. "You don't even have a silencer on that gun. You think it's gonna go unnoticed just because it's dark outside?"

"Does this suit your fancy more then?" he asked, pressing a blade to my cheek. "So sharp that with just the smallest bit of pressure..." He slid the blade down my cheek until it reached my jaw. "Aw, look at that. You're bleeding. Now, get in the car." He kicked me in the back of my legs so that I fell onto my knees. My phone clattered to the ground next to me, face down. What if he sees that it's recording? He slid a hand into my hair, pulling it until I stood up. "You're so confident in your abilities all the time, but look at you know. Where's that fire at? Why aren't you hitting me? Don't tell me you're giving up this easy?"

"Fuck you," I managed through gritted teeth. Panic settled in as I felt blood dripping down my neck. His hand found a place around my neck again as he choked me.

"You're all bark, Elliot." He let his eyes meet mine finally. "What did that girl do to you? You're always gonna be a worthless piece of shit. It doesn't matter who you think likes you. You think they care about you? Where's that awesome new family of yours at right now, huh?" He stared at me, waiting on a response that wouldn't come, as I couldn't breathe.

"Right here, you cunt." An elbow connected with the back of Jeremiah's neck and he fell to the ground, unconscious. I let myself fall back onto the vehicle, gasping for air.

"Fin..." I tried to call his name, but my throat ached.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he threw an arm over my shoulder, walking me towards the front of the studio.

"Nothing major," I responded shortly, my voice gravelly. "Leave him. Don't call the police. I've gotta work some things out, but he won't be back for a while at least."

"We'll discuss this later. I'll drive your car. Let me just tell Claudia to meet me at Billie's." He jogged back to his own car and talked to Claudia before rejoining me and driving me home. "Billie called me worried. I told her I'd come up here and check on you. You got lucky both times that something like this has happened, but you need to be more careful. Did you know him?"

"Ex boyfriend," I mumbled. It hurt to talk much. My throat felt dry, but the cut on my cheek seemed to open more every time I moved my jaw.

He shook his head. "You've surely made a few enemies in your days."

"Tell me about it." I opened the car door and heaved myself out of the vehicle, following Claudia and Finneas inside.

Billie gasped at the sight of me and I winced in embarassment. "Are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital." She began scanning my figure.

"No, it's not as bad as it looks." I sat down at the kitchen table.

"I've got her. You guys don't have to stick around. Tomorrow's Christmas, so I know you must be busy." She jumped to reach the medical kit we keep on top of the fridge.

"Alright," Claudia agreed hesitantly. "But you'll call us if you need anything?"

"Of course. I love you guys. Thank you."

"Thank you, Finneas." I held the key out to him.

"You're welcome." He kissed my head, and then Billie's before leaving. Billie sat next to me with a wash cloth and a bowl of water before sighing in defeat. "What were you even doing, Elliot?"

I let my head drop. "Can we please talk about this tomorrow? I'm kind of on edge."

"Sure." She grabbed my hands and led me to the bathroom, running a bath. "You were painting?"

"I was," I confirmed as I pulled my clothes off.

"Can I see?" she asked excitedly.

"It's unfinished," I lied as I stepped into the bathtub and sat down.

"Whatever you say, Smelly." She brought the washcloth to my face, wiping at the paint before gently cleaning the cut.

"It doesn't look too bad," she said before tilting my head back and pouring a cup of water on my head. I sighed as she massaged shampoo into my hair. "Still might be another scar to add to your collection though. Should I worry about this happening again."

"Not at all," I responded determinedly. "It won't."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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