Chapter 54

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"You're sure this isn't... too cheesy for her?" I asked Finneas nervously..

"It is very cheesy, Elliot, but Billie has never had anything like this, so she'll love it." He ruffled my hair. "Keep everything I gave you safe. Have you figured out what exactly you want to pain for her?"

"I've thought about it a lot. I might do something of her and Shark, I guess. She seems to like to hang pictures of herself around, so I think she'll like it." I chuckled, elbowing him.

"You're not wrong about that. I think it's a good idea, Elliot. Claudia sent me with this polaroid camera. She wants you guys to take pictures. I trust you know how to work it? It's already got film in it." He cocked an eyebrow as he handed the camera over.

"Of course. Send her my thanks. I'm gonna go fetch, Billie. Thank you again for all the help." I patted his shoulder and then jogged to my car. My gran was a wealthy woman and most of her fortune was left to me. I used some of the money to buy myself a car and put the rest of it away. I felt guilty spending it. I didn't want to seem like I was benefitting from her death when it was one of the hardest things I ever had to deal with. I sighed, turning up the radio as I drove home. I left my car cranked, as it wouldn't be long before I was back in it. "You ready, babe?" I called as I opened the front door.

"I'm ready." She stepped out of our room, flicking the light off.

"You are stunning as always, my love." I gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"As are you." She set a hand on my jaw, rubbing her thumb across my cheek.

"We're gonna be outside. Are you warm enough?" I asked, eyeing her outfit. She was wearing an off-white sweater and skirt with leggings and chunky sneakers, half-hidden by her leg warmers.

"I think so," she responded, following me outside. I jogged around the car and opened her door for her before going back around to the driver's seat. "Where are we going?" she asked a couple minutes into the drive.

"You'll see," I responded, a hint of annoyance in my voice. I wasn't annoyed with her for asking. I was annoyed with myself, as I was having second thoughts. This was embarassing.

She reached over and pressed the back of her hand to my blushing cheek. "Don't be embarassed."

I gave her a smile as I parked the car. "Here we are." I let out a breath as I opened the passenger door for her. "I didn't figure I would have time to steal you away tomorrow," I told her as I walked her down the beach. "So, happy early birthday, my love." We veered around the edge of a cliff to a more secluded part of the beach where Finneas had helped me set up a picnic. We'd lit some candles around but a couple had gone out with the wind. "It's--it's not perfect, but I--"

I stopped talking when she grabbed my scarf, pulling me down to face her. "I am so in love with you, Elliot Eneide, and this is perfect."

I couldn't help the wide grin that spread across my face as she sat down, pulling me down next to her. "I'm glad you like it. I was worried it would be too cheesy for you," I admitted.

"Nobody's ever done anything like this for me." She held my hand, smiling happily. "And it's such a pretty time." Her gaze fell onto the beach, where the dark blue of the water touched the orange of the sunset.

We talked and ate food and took pictures until the sun had fully set and it was nearly time for us to go home. "I'll get it," I said, swatting her hand away as she tried to put away the food.

"You don't have to do everything yourself," she responded with a giggle.

"But I want to do it for you. This was for you. Just let it be about you." I closed the basket I brought the food in. "For a long time, Billie... I kind of just lived in the hopes of dying. I was always just counting down the days. My life has always been shit. My family has always been broken. I don't think I've ever truly been happy."

"I know, but--"

"Let me finish, Eilish," I teased, squeezing her hand. "I really didn't think that I ever would be. I've never been open about how I feel or quick to trust others, but as soon as I met you, that entire facade broke. I'm not tough and I'm not emotionless, but I've always been scared to show that. When I met you, I just... couldn't keep on pretending anymore. You and your family have been nothing but kind to me. You all treat me as if I've been here for years. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I know that because of you, I feel hopeful. I'm happy. I don't ever want to be apart from you and I don't ever want to go back to the part of my life where I was. I hope that you and I can be together forever." I laughed nervously. "But it's too early to ask you that, so for now, let's make a promise." I pulled a simple silver ring out of my pocket. "Promise me that if this ring is still on your fingers in a few years, you'll marry me."

"I promise," she responded, resting her forehead against mine.

"Perfect." I set the ring in her hand, kissing her. "It's fitted to your ring finger right now, but I can get it resized if you want to wear it on a different one."

"No, that's fine." She laughed at me. "You worry so much."

"I don't worry!" I defended. "I just... perfect things... in my head... and try to make them that way in reality. See?"

"You make no sense, but I love you anyways." She stood up, dusting her skirt off and I followed suit.

"And look." I held out my hand, showcasing a matching ring. "I have one too!"

"You're adorable. Come on." She picked up the basket, blowing out the last candle and placing it inside as I shook out the blanket. "You're letting me sleep in tomorrow. I'm not doing anything besides going to my parent's house. That's it."

Chasing Air // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now