Chapter 8

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I sighed as I peeked out of my window again. I didn't want Elliot's boyfriend to come with her—mainly because he seemed like a douche—but I didn't wanna tell her that he couldn't. Maybe I made her uncomfortable and that was why she wanted him to come. I didn't really do anything though. Nothing that wasn't normal. But she wasn't normal, so maybe what was normal for me, wasn't normal for her. It didn't make sense.

I jumped as somebody knocked on the door. "Okay." I sighed, regaining my composure. I was not gonna be mean. I opened the door and Elliot stood there beside a dude that was the same height as her. Maybe a little bit taller. "Come in."

"Jeremiah." He held his hand out and I ignored it, not thinking about how that might affect Elliot.

"Billie," Elliot said. That might be the first time she called me by my actual name.

"I thought you said her name was Bobby."

"I told you it's not really Bobby." She rolled her eyes. He stared at her for a second and then she apologized quietly.

"So, how did you guys meet?" He crossed his arms, looking between us.

She sighed heavily. "Babe, I already told you."


She pursed her lips. "Sorry."

"I'm sure you are." He turned around and walked into the living room. "Isn't this your sweater, Elliot?"


"Why is it here?"

What the fuck? Why did she choose to be in a relationship with him? He seemed bossy.

"I took it off."

"You were here with her? Alone?"

He asked a lot of questions. That was just weird.

"No, I was at Claudia's house. She brought it here so that she could give it back to me today."

"Oh, really?" He looked over at me and I nodded. No. She didn't even know that it was at my house. I knew it was going to be a long evening.


"Can I use the restroom?" Elliot asked, standing up.

"Yeah," Jeremiah and I both replied at the same time and then looked at each other. Why would he assume that she was talking to him? It was my house. I was pretty sure the only reason she asked was because she didn't know where it was. I found that weird.

"Down the hall. It's the first door on the left."

"Thanks." She walked away and I turned back to Jeremiah.

"So..." He rested his chin in his hands.

"So." I glared at him, waiting for him to say something else.

"You got a girlfriend?"

"What makes you think I'm gay?"

"I just assumed. You sure flirt with my girlfriend a lot."

"My bad. Next time I'll let you give her permission to use my bathroom and tell her where it is," I said sarcastically.

"You know that's not what I mean," he replied, clearly growing more aggravated by my smart remarks.

"Quite frankly, I don't what anything you say means."

"You know what, I hope you've enjoyed seeing Elliot because it won't happen again." He shook his head.

"You can't just control her entire life."

"I can and I do. All I have to do is tell her that you guys being together makes me uncomfortable and she'll cut you off faster than you can blink."

"You know what else can be cut off—"

"Elliot, let's go." He scooted his chair out, the sound of it scraping the floor making me cringe as he quickly grabbed Elliot's arm.

"Bye." She turned around and looked at me apologetically just before Jeremiah pulled her out of the house.

I sure hoped he was just bluffing, but something told me he wasn't. It seemed like he had her wrapped around his finger.

I changed my mind. I hoped they would break up. It just seemed almost impossible unless he got tired of her. He literally cheated on her and it "wasn't his fault." He didn't deserve her.

Chasing Air // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now