Chapter 20

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"Thank you for coming with me, Billie," Elliot said as we got out of my car. "Seriously. I really appreciate it."

I shrugged. "It was nothing, El."

She crinkled her nose at that and I laughed. That was revenge for Bobby. I didn't necessarily like El at first either but that's what it was until I could come up with something else. The nickname ended up growing on me though. "Whatever, Bobby."

I unlocked the front door and we both went inside. Neither of us had brought up what happened the night before. Nothing was really different, but a lot of things were different which made no sense. She blushed when I looked at her, and she'd been smiling more, and I kept catching her staring at me—and maybe it had always been like that, but now I was noticing because now it seemed more likely that she liked me. And there was a part of me that was insecure about the situation because we hadn't talked about it yet, but that was not a very big part of me because when I looked up at her, a soft smile still played at her lips, and her body noticeably relaxed—and I thought that meant she liked me.

Should I have brought it up? What should I have said? How would I have even gone about that conversation? Hey, you kissed me last night and I need you to tell me what that means.

God, bless.

"Billie," Elliot said softly and I looked up.


"Are you mad?" My heart ached at the question.

"Am I mad?" I repeated confusedly and she nodded. "Why would I be mad?"

She opened her mouth and then closed it again quickly, shrugging. "I just—I don't know. Never mind. I'm gonna go change."

"Oh—well..." She walked into her room and I sighed, mumbling to myself. "Okay." I decided I might have to be the brave one. I walked into my room and sat on the floor, shutting my door and picking up a can. We did eventually end up getting string. "Elliot," I said loudly.

"What?" she replied with a laugh.

"I like your face," I whispered.

"I like your face too," she whispered back with a laugh.

I cleared my throat, readjusting a little as I thought of how to go about the conversation. "I kissed you."

"You did," she stated, a certain playfulness in her voice.

"And you kissed me back."

"I did."

"Are you mad?" I inquired carefully.

I heard her bedroom door open and the sound of her feet shuffling across the hallway. I looked up as Elliot opened my door, my face heating up. She didn't answer me. She crouched down to my height, not a trace of emotion on her face.

"Are you mad?" I repeated. Maybe she didn't hear me.

"Yes. I'm furious."

I just stared at her. I honestly couldn't tell if she was mad or not. I didn't know if she was joking or not.

"I'm kidding." She laughed, grabbing my hands and making me stand up. "Why would I be mad?"

Chasing Air // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now