I'm ending this journal :(

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Hey guys,

I'll be ending this journal, I love all of you who helped me get this journal to 1.6K reads, it's so insane!

This journal helped me through alot but at the end it become like a task that I had to do every single week and my mental health is not in a state where I can provide you with every week content.

I hope this journal helps some of you to discover or experiment with your gender identity, y'all can always dm me, I'll always try to help you if ever in need.

If I do get better and feel like I should write again, I definitely will!

Thank you _thedarkismyfriend_, you've been so supportive of this journal and have been so friendly and gave me the determination to write every week, I'm greatful ♡

I hope to write again but till then, goodbye.

With love,
Rae xo

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