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Hey guys, I'm literally out of content so I'm going to talk about my mental health, some issues this world is facing rn.

So I'll begin with my mental health. Since Indian parents don't believe in Therapy and in medicines for depression, I'll just take about it, well these pasts few days have been a real roller coaster, sometimes I'm very happy, sometimes I can feel nothing at all, and somedays if I think or look at the sky for too long or if I'm doing nothing for too long, I tend to get super low and often this leads to suicidal thoughts.

There are days where I feel like nothing like I don't deserve anything, I feel like if I take my life, It'll all be silent in my head, there are days where I hear voices screaming in my head violently, every time I gasp for air, I hear them every time I look at myself, at the sky, literally anything, my mind is never calm, I feel anxious, scared, worried, sad, happy all at the same time.

All I want is that one moment of silence, the chaos, the screams in my brain to calm down, to stop. All I ever want it for is to stop.

The next thing that I want to talk about is America and racism still existing there, It worries me that people still are choosing to remain silent, that choose to stay quiet about the problem in America and other parts of the world. If you're still quiet, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!


George Floyd - a 46-year-old black man in Minneapolis, served as the catalyst for which began last week. The sorrow and outrage over the disturbing video of his final moments came on top of a long history of black Americans being injured or killed in encounters with police or targeted with violence because of the colour of their skin.

Lists of names of black men and women killed in recent years, including, Travyon Martin, Tamir Rice, Breonna Taylor, Ferguson Micheal, Eric Gamer, Philando Castile and so many more.

And the list has not stopped growing. Several people have been severely injured or killed by officers during recent protests and unrest.

On Thursday, after about a week and a half of nationwide protests, several more names began trending on Twitter, often with the hashtag #SayTheirName to raise awareness of these new incidents. Here are some of their stories:

Justin Howell

Howell was shot in the head by Austin police officers', his brother, Joshua Howell, told. In a video posted to Twitter on Sunday, protesters are seen carrying the 20-year-old Howell and attempting to get him medical attention.

Sean Monterrosa

Monterrosa, a 22-year-old San Francisco resident, was shot and killed by an officer in Vallejo, California. The officer thought Monterrosa had a gun in his pocket, but instead, it was a hammer, Police Chief Shawny Williams said Wednesday, reports.

Police arrived at a Walgreens in Vallejo as it was being looted on Tuesday, Williams said. Officers chased two vehicles as they fled, and one rammed a police car and injured an officer.

Jamel Floyd

Floyd, 35, at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn on Wednesday after being pepper-sprayed by staff, according to a news release from the federal Bureau of Prisons.

Please sign the given petitions:









Please this isn't over yet, your Instagram feed could be back to normal but it isn't over yet, racism still exists.

Next I wanna talk about a case similar to George Floyd, Back home, the death of Tuticorin father-son duo allegedly in police custody has caused a furore across Tamil Nadu. When George Floyd was attacked by a white man, the entire black race gathered & fought for justice. Here two of our own people were attacked & killed by shoving iron rods & lathis into their private parts by two of OUR OWN! Don't be silent now!

On June 19, P Jayaraj (59) and his son Fenix (31) were picked up for questioning by the cops in Sathankulam police for violating lockdown rules. The police said that the duo kept their mobile shop open during the lockdown.

They were allegedly beaten to death by the police. Fenix died at the Kovilpatti General Hospital on June 22, while his father died on June 23.

How can we be silent? Come sign petition, donate, and protest, if y'all can't donate or protest, atleast sign these petitions

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How can we be silent? Come sign petition, donate, and protest, if y'all can't donate or protest, atleast sign these petitions.

Please sign the given petition below:


Next I wanna talk about the problems in Yemen,
COVID-19, war and hunger: Yemen's humanitarian crisis is becoming worse.

Over 10 million are on the brink of famine; as many as 400,000 children are at the risk of dying, according to UN.

The violent conflict between Houthi rebels and Saudi-UAE military coalition has left over 100,000 dead in Yemen. The United Nations (UN) has called it the world's 'worst humanitarian crisis'- it has displaced more than 3.65 million people, created food shortage, and undermined children's development.

The economy has collapsed and food prices quadrupled, pushing more people into food insecurity.

At least 7,700 civilians had died till March 2020, mostly by Saudi-led coalition air strikes, according to the UN.

About 10 children die every day in Yemen from preventable diseases caused by hunger. According to non-profit Save the Children, about 85,000 children under the age of five may have died of starvation or disease between April 2015 and October 2018.

There are 1465 cases in Yemen of covid 19, they need our help, please please please donate if you can, sign the given petitions:


Now I wanna talk about Covid 19, ofc y'all know about it now, properly since it's always on the television

1) Please stay at home
2) If you have no choice then to leave and go outside, then please wear a mask, and sanitize, please take all the precautions
3) Please keep yourself updated on the covid 19.
4) Don't let it become the main news of your life, try to keep yourself busy cause it can really get to you

So yeah this is all I want to talk about today, I think this is super important to address.

I'll be writing soon 🙂
Ryan 🏳️‍🌈🌺

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