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Heyyyy guyssss,

How have you guys been? I hope y'all are well, and happy! ❤️🏳️‍🌈

I know my life is not very well atm, and it has been super boring, and I'm sorry there is not much happening in queerantine 😌😂 so please bear with me 😌❤️

Also yesterday was super tough for me, I had a couple mental breakdowns, so I'm super sorry about not writing....


After watching Hope Bridgers' video, I had this urge to go stand on a top of a building and scream, "IM MOTHER TUCKING NON BINARY AGENDER AND OHHHH LESBIAN"

But of course I can't do that bc of corona and I'm scared if heights 😂

So Yes, I CAME OUT to my snapchat friends and my Instagram people.

It felt so liberating, felt like the weight just lifting up from my shoulders, at first I was scared of coming out to everyone, but then I wasn't anymore.

So if you're reading this and you're confused about my gender, I identify as Agender which means I believe gender is a spectrum and I don't lay on it at all....

I don't want to associated with the term gender, I'm not male nor female.

My pronouns are they/he.

Please respect people's pronouns and gender 🏳️‍🌈

I'll wrap this entry up now

Lots of love

Ry 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Also don't ever let anyone tell you aren't valid or beautiful, you're beautiful inside out and I love you when if I don't know you, and you're valid 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 More power to you!!!!

Go on and live your GAY LIFE 🏳️‍🌈

The Journey of life as a Non-BinaryWhere stories live. Discover now