I'm sorry that I've been away 🥺

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Its been a hot minute since I wrote here if someone is reading this; Hi, how are you? So a lot has happened since the last time I wrote here.

1) I made new friends, through this app called Hoop/Wink, I found some really amazing people via it, who actually understand me, I found this two people (ex crushes now since they ghosted me) I used to flirt and it was a good time until they ghosted ofc 😂
2) My mom bought me an iPad for my birthday so that's cool 😎 
3) I have been creating tracks on SoundCloud, GarageBand and BandLab
4) Tiktok got banned in India 😭🥺🥺
5) I'm still single, well that's not new 😂😩
6) Well, my mental health has been a roller coaster, I've been happy, then sad and rn I'm suicidal but I'm trying to be grateful
7) I figured out something about my sexuality and gender, I identify Non Binary /Agender Lesbian 🏳️‍🌈💕
8) I had turned away from God while figuring out my sexuality and gender, I realised that they don't collide together, that I can believe in Jesus and believe that I'm not a sin since the New Testament doesn't say anything about Homosexuality being wrong.
9) I love Girl in Red ❤️ her music is amazing 👌🏻🥺💕
10) Also I'm in Grade 11 now, in Commerce with Information Practices and it's super interesting 🧐😎

So that's all for now, I'll write soon
Ry 🏳️‍🌈💕

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