Mental Health Update

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Hey guys,
How are y'all guys? I just wanted to hope on here and just say hey, how y'all doing? Have you drank enough water today? If not, go fetch yourself some now! How was your day? I hope you had a good day <3

So I just to wanted to talk about my mental health since I haven't in a while. Well, I kinda have but oh well.

So I was okay on Saturday, my mental health kicked me hard on my balls when Sunday came, my Nana hasn't been keeping well, she could have Cancer/ Tumor/Cyst. She's being checked. So story time, She has taken care of me since childhood, I lived with her for 5/6 years and I absolutely love her. I loved her more than my mother, I think I still do, don't worry my mom knew ehehe (my mom would go to work all day - she's a single parent) but when I started living with my mom again, we sort-of drifted apart which kinda hurted but idk and now I can't stop thinking and crying. My thoughts are really negative and I feel like shit, but I have faith that she'll be okay.

My health in general hasn't been great, I've been nauseous, and just feel terrible. It's really affected my mental health. I had a panic attack today but I'm okay now.

Then I was talking to a girl, she is really nice and I actually liked her but I'm not ready for a relationship yet so I told her that and I've been hurting. Alot. If you're reading this, hey😳✋🏻

So yea, and school and stuff has ofc always been hectic.
So in conclusion, I feel like shit 😌✋🏻 but I'll be okay.

Rae 🐼❤️

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