It all Started with a Follow Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: The Follow Spree

Jannies POV:

* 2 weeks later*

It has been 2 weeks since I had seen Emblem 3 live on xFactor. Wesley, Drew and Keaton have been doing follow sprees. I do not know why Kenny and Kyle have not done any with the boys. It is kind of frustrating because knowing I will forever be zero of five.

This week was going to be Wesley’s birthday. We need him the boys to be placed first tog give him the best birthday present ever.

I made Alyssa and John come over. John had Verzion so he can text vote. Alyssa also had verzion so I was making her call. And since I have T-Mobile I will be voting online.

John was already here.

“You are so lucky I love you so much to do this for you or else” he said I just looked at him and stuck out my tongue.

“I still can not believe you did not take a picture with the drew guy” he said.


He just started laughing.

Then I heard banging on the door.

“Open the dam door before I leave!” I hear Alyssa yelling at the door.

“Calm your titties the door is unlocked” I shouted.

Alyssa opened the door while saying “oh” I just gave her the mmmmhm look.

*2 hours later*

“I texted over 400 times can I stop?” John groaned.

“NO! We have another 10 minutes get as many votes as we get in!” I demanded.

“I am going to text now calling is taking too long” said Alyssa in a serious tone. This is why I love her so much.

“Voting is closed guys” I said with a sad tone.

“They better get first my fingers hurt.” John groaned.

“Stop complaining we are her best friends it is like we were signed up for this” Alyssa told John.

“Yeah yeah whatever guys I am craving a bazokie from BJ’s lets go.” I told them.

“Yes food!” John said happily.

“Are we eating there?” asked Alyssa.

“Yes sherlock” John said sarcastically.

* Later that night*

I just could not sleep. I decided to go down stairs and taking Nyquil nighttime to help knock out.

After I took it and headed back upstairs. As soon as I layed my head on the pillow my eyes started to slowly closing.

Then my phone vibrated. And made a chirp noise that indicated twitter. And my phone vibrated twice indicating someone followed me.

Well I am too tired to check I guess I’ll she whoever followed me tomorrow. Cause It’s not like it is Wesley or anything.

Then I drifted off to sleep.

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