It all Started with a Follow Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Smooth Wesley…Smooth..

Wesley’s POV:

“So would like ever go on a date with me?” he asked.

I did it. I finally did it. The only way where I can be alone with her and talk with her and show her I am not the typical jerk stereo type. I never in my life felt this nervous asking a girl to go on  a date with me. She stopped walking and just turned and looked at me.

“Are you really asking me or is this some kind of bet or something?” she asked sounding confused, hurt and surprised. Why would she even think this a bet a or a trick. I really want to go on a date with her.

“I really want to take you out. But don’t judge me because I suck at dates but I will try really hard to make you happy. That’s if you say yes.” I said really fast and nervously and then giving her a smile.

“Sure.” She told me and started blushing. She is so cute. She blushes so easily to it makes her way more cute since she is also shy.

“Really?” I said happily.

She nodded her head while giggling I got excited and then missed a step when I wanted to walk again and I found myself falling down the stairs.

“Oh my god Wesley are you okay?” is all I hear.

I finally manage to land in a sitting position and I just bust up laughing. Man really smooth Wesley falling on your butt after asking a girl on a date. That idea made me laugh even more. I look and see Jannie kneeling next to me and looks at my face. And starts laughing at me to.

“Oh my god the way your face was when you were falling!” she pointed at me and started laughing so hard. Her laugh was so funny which made me laugh even harder. And we here we are during a baseball game in the foruth inning in the stairs laughing cause I feel. Finally when we caught our breathe I got up and offered her my hand. She took it with no hesitation as I helped her up. It kind of made me happy. Once up we started walking back to our seats still chuckling.

“What took you guys so long?” Alyssa asked.

“Wesley fell and I couldn’t hold it in and we just laughed on the stairs for like ten minuites.” Jannie said smiling while sitting in her seat. She had the biggest smile ever.

“Is that the loud thud we heard earlier?” Michael asked.

And Jannie just giggled and nodded her head eagerly. She was seriously the cutest girl I have ever laid eyes on. We all got back to the game. Drew was shaking his leg like he always does when he is thinking and needed to say something. He took out his phone and started texting someone. I could care less. Then my phone vibrated it was from Drew. I looked up at him confused. He told to me to go ahead and read my text. I look and see my text is from Drew.

Drew: Anything happen?

Me: We’re going on a date<333333

Drew: FUCK YEAH! What about the Michael dude?

Me: Not her bf(: some guy who is interested in her and she is keeping her options opened.

Drew: You’re smiling like an idiot as you text it’s okay cause I am to LMFAO

Me: I know I can’t help it she is just amazing!

Drew: But when are you going to take her on a date we’re back on the studio rehearsing all week after today.

Me: FUCK I was not thinking I was too excited and only had the balls until then! I’ll figure it out!

Next thing I know on our group chat that had me, Drew, Kenny, Kyle, Keaton, Rex it went crazy about the me asking her. I finally told everyone to stop texting and get to watching the game. Finally it was the seventh inning and we got a little break. It was not like basketball or football which had half time but it was a break. Everyone decided to go pee and get more food. I said I would be the one to stay and watch the stuff. While everyone was doing what they were doing. And waiting for Keaton to bring back my nachos.

My phone then starts to vibrate like crazy and I see it from Jannie. I had about twenty text messages I just let it all load and it ended on thirty two text messages. I opened it up and they were all the pictures we took together like she promised she did send them to me. I saved them all in my photo booth and I start to look through them but could not help from smiling at every single one. My favorite is one is when I am sticking out my tongue toward her face and it hit her check while she does this grossed out look. I made the background of my screen lock on my phone.

When Keaton texted me I saw the background and started smiling again.

Keaton: Extra cheese right?

Me: obviously

In no time everyone was back and Alyssa gave me my nachos I looked at her confused.

“Keaton went to pee and had other stuff to carry.” She said with a shrug.

“Thanks!” I said smiling at her.

“No problamo!” she said and sat in her seat.

I see Jannie come back with Michael and he was staring at her all happy. He then let her go to her seat first. And then followed behind and then she started eating her hotdog. John comes up and takes the hotdog from her and takes a bite. She pouted and looked at him. I surprised she didn’t yell at him like always. He then smirked down at her and patted his stomach. Obviously teasing her. I guess he has the right to take a bite and she could not complain.

After the game the was done the dodgers won by three points and Jannie and Alyssa were being crazy fans and yelling and shouting. John then joined in. And that’s when I understood why the three of them were best friends. It’s like they were in their own world and happy and did not care what anyone thought.

When we got back to the car and headed home it was around eight thirty we had time to fit in a movie. We decided to go back at John’s and watch a movie. Michael said he can’t because he had things to do. I was actually happy he was not going to join us. He would probably try and cuddle with Jannie.

We were almost back to John’s house and I saw Jannie was tweeting. “Had a great time at the dodgers game. My boys won!” she tweeted then added the picture of us as a group.

She then tweeted “We cute! Get @ us. @WesleyStromberg” And she attached a picture of us doing weird faces with our eyes looking in different directions. I re tweeted her and started to chuckle. I suddenly say Jannies followers boost.

“Wow thanks to you I gained 200 followers I usually follow back all Emblems but dang” she said. And started laughing.

When we got to John’s house everyone was getting out the car and we all went inside except Jannie and Michael. John went to get blankets and pillow for everyone to lay on the floor and couches.

I kind of look and see what she was doing and she was talking to Michael he was smiling really big and then he stopped smiling. Then he smiled again. And hugged her tight. I wanted to punch him then and there. Only because he was hugging her and I have not even hugged her and Drew and even Keaton hugged her.

She then came inside and I jumped on the floor and sat and acted like I did not do anything. She then went to Alyssa and whispered something and she gave a her a stern look. Then Jannie gave her this look and Alyssa nodded her head they started acting normal again.

John came down with everything and through everything everywhere. Jannie and I sat on the couch were it was two seats. Alyssa, John and Drew on the ground and Keaton took up the whole couch himself.

We all sat down and started to watch 21 Jump Street we were all laughing and having a goodtime. Almost half way through the movie I see Jannies head start to nod. She was falling asleep. She suddenly laid her head on my shoulders. I look and she knocked out.

I adjusted myself and wrapped my arms around her and head was on my chest. I liked this feeling. Her sleeping under my arms. It felt nice.

When the movie ended everyone was getting up and everything. We were going to head home. Alyssa said she was going to be in the guest room I guess she was sleeping here. I started shaking Jannie a little. She then woke up and looked at her waist and saw hands holding it and saw a arm wrapped around her. She looked confused and followed the arm to see who it belonged to. When she saw it was to me. Her eyes opened wide.

“Is this real or fake? I can’t tell.” She said. And then feel back asleep onto my arm.

- Feedback, tweets, comments, vote, fans motivate me to write faster and upload fast for you guys<3 love you :) 

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