It all Started with a Follow Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: I wasn’t dreaming?

Jannie’s POV:

I woke up and felt so refreshed and relaxed that I did not have to wake up so early in the morning to get ready for school. I look around and see Alyssa is still sleeping. Me and her crashed it at John’s because we knew we’d be up all night. But for some reason last night I crashed early unlike always. I don’t even know why. But I had this killer dream where I was sleeping on Wesley’s chest with his hand on my waist while his arm was around me and I was just sleeping on him. Weird to have a dream of you sleeping. But I did not mind at all. I wonder how it would feel if he actually did that. I got my phone and checked my instagram and saw I got a lot of likes of the group pictures and comments like “So cute!” and what not. Then on the picture of me and Wesley I got comments like “Oh who’s this ;)?” and “Awh boyfriend? So cute together!” I just blushed and ignored the questions.

I then got on twitter and saw my followers got even more high. I went and followed every single one of them back. I know how it feels. I use to tweet rex all the time just because he was friends with the boys. I then looked at Wesleys page and his last tweet said. “Great night. I have feeling I’ll be having more of them :)” I wonder what they all did after I knocked out. If they stayed up. Oh my gee what if I snored like I always do when I am super tired? Or did I drool? Oh my god I bet they have pictures. I bet Wesley found that attractive. UGH.

I went downstairs and saw that John’s parents already left to work. I liked when they would be off and his mom would make her famous pancakes with chocolate chips. I decided to sit and watch tv until everyone woke up. I started going through the pictures of yesterday while I was just lying on the couch. I got to the ones of me and Michael. I am actually glad he told me the truth yesterday. If I found out myself I don’t think me and him would have stayed friends after wards. And now I am back to having no one in my life. I kept going through the pictures and came to the ones of me and Wesley. I couldn’t keep myself from smiling.

When I first seen them try out I would have never thought in my life. I would be in this position with one the boys that inspire me from Emblem three.

I decide to make my background a picture of me and Wesley. It does not mean anything. Just a fan with the picture of  her idol. My favorite is when we were both smiling. His smile is perfect. I made it the lock screen to my phone. I also changed it to my twitcon on twitter.

I suddenly get a text. I look at the name. It was Wesley. I did not even open the message just seeing his name made me want to jump around.

Wesley: I had fun last night(:

Oh my gosh. He texted me. I want to reply. Should I wait? Or should I just reply? Oh no man I don’t know. I decided ill text back after I use the bathroom. So there is some time. Actually who cares I’ll text back right now.

Me: Me to! I didn’t even finish the movie -.-t

Wesley: I am not going to lie I was glad you feel asleep ;)

What the hell was the suppose too mean? Did I snore or something?

Me: Good god why? Did I snore?! LMFAO

Wesley: No! not at all! Lol you looked cute cuddled up in me sleeping..

WHAT?!?! OH MY GOSH. I FROZE. I just sat there so my dream was not a dream? I can’t text back unless I know for sure. I grabbed my phone and ran up to John’s room.

I started nudging him.

“John wake up! John!” I said while rocking him.

“Go away you ugly bat I want to sleep!” he hissed at me and turned around. His back facing me.

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