It all Started with a Follow Chapter 15

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Chapter 14: Go Away Tom!

I turned around and see no one other than Tom. I should have known he would be here.

“Yeah.” I said to answer his question I do not even know why I said yeah ugh.

He looked at me carefully.

“Lies” he said.                   

“Truths” I replied with not hesitation.

“He is also taking me on a date next week.” I blurted out without even realizing it.

“Swear?” he said. My heart tugged a little. I remember when we use to always saw that before we made up after we fought.

“Swear.” I said and smiled and took out my pinky. He pulled his pinky to mine and we nodded and let go. He then walked away without another word.

I said swear to Wesley taking me on a date not on dating him. So my swear is not a lie!

“You guys made up?” my cousin asked me confused.

“No, but excuse me I got to use the bathroom.” I told her and walked my way to the bathroom.

I needed time to think. I have not seen Tom in over a year. We have been broken up for almost two years. I ended it in a bad way I am surprised he is still not holding a grudge toward me.

Me and Tom and were really close before we dated. But I would not say he was like a best friend. Simply, because no one can replace John. I think me and John are the only best friends who have never had feelings for each other. And I like it that way.

When me and Tom dated everything change. We went from being friends to lovers quickly. It was not interesting since we knew a lot about each other. But it was also good. But when I dated Tom. I changed. I noticed I changed. We would fight weekly. I would cry maybe four out of seven days. I started pushing everyone away.

It was because his friends were not real friends of his. When I would tell him we would fight. He would yell I would yell it would never be pretty. I finally chose to end it. I felt better ever since then. I than became a fan girl. And that’s when I did not even cared if any one liked me. And that’s when I stopped having crushes on anyone. I think John liked it that way. It brought us closer. After I pushed him away.

I finally decided it was enough time in the restroom. I flushed the toilet even though I did not use it and washed it my hands.

As soon as I walked out of the bathroom I told myself I will not make things awkward with Tom. I then went out into the backyard were the bbq was taking place.

I got a hot dog and put everything on it. I like to call it the garbage dog. It had everything. And it made me happy.

I sat down and I see Tom and sit across me. He gave me a Sunkist.

“Thanks” I told him and then bit into my hot dog. I let out a little moan on how good it was.

Tom looked uncomfortable with my moan. I just looked at him.

He then let out a sigh.

“Look be honest with me is he your boyfriend or not? Because I see him on xFactor so it can’t be.” He told me looking frustrated.

“No.” I muttered and then took another bit into my hotdog. Closing my eyes and taking in the taste. I love food. And hotdogs that I make are even better.

“So why’d you lie?” he asked.

“It was in the moment.” I shrugged and opened the Sunkist and drank from it.

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