{Chapter 29: The Baby is a...}

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Chapter Twenty~Nine: The Baby is a...

Tessa and I were sitting in my living room anxiously waiting for Farrah to call us to see what she's having and the due date.

Dean was on his IPad 2 sitting on the big black comfy recliner.

I sometimes sleep there. Then my dad or brothers carry me back to bed. Which I hate.

My phone rings then I answer it and put Farrah on speaker.

"The baby is a boy!!!!" She yelled excitedly into the phone.

I hear Ryder groan in the background. Hmm I think he wanted a girl.

Tessa and I looked at each other then screamed.

"Oh my goodness guys shut the hell up." Dean said rubbing his temple. Ha, he's annoyed.

I heard Farrah laugh. Then she said that she'll text us later.

So after she hanged up, I then smiled at Tessa.

"The baby is a boy huh?" My mom asked us while walking in from the kitchen.

Farrah's mom and her are good friends. Her mom has an obsession with social networks.

"Yeah, and she just texted me that the due date is July 10th." I said looking at my latest text message.

I'm so happy for Farrah. Although she didn't plan this, I'm still happy for her. And I get to be the godmother.

"That's so cute." My mom said kissing Dean on the temple.

He groaned and wiped his temple with his hand.

"Mom, I'm too old for that." He said leaning back.

My mom just rolled her eyes then went upstairs.


"So what names have you guys decided?" I asked Farrah.

We were eating Chickfila. I had chicken nuggets. Tessa was eating a chicken salad. And Farrah had two chicken sandwiches.

"Well, Ryder wants the middle name to be Aiden. And I want the first name to be Carter." She said while eating her french fries.

Carter Aiden Fowl. That's so damn cute!!!!!!

"So Carter Aiden Fowl then?" Tessa asked with her mouth full.

We're such fat asses we should just get matching tattoos saying. Fat Ass 1, Fat Ass 2, and Fat Ass 3.

"Yeah, Ryder and I can't wait. His parents are so supportive of us. And my dad is too. My mom is obsessive about the baby." Farrah said smiling and rubbing her big belly.

This makes me want to have a baby. But right now I have to focus on Julliard.

"I'm really happy for you Farrah, I really am." I said smiling at her.

She smiled at me. Then took a sip from her drink.

"I'm glad I have you guys to support me too!" She said.

Tessa burped once she was finished. She's such a lady.

"We're glad to be here. Now excuse me while I go get Lars something for our six month anniversary." She said grinning.

Then left me with a pregnant Farrah. All she did was just smiled and shook her head.

"That girl is something else." She said smiling.

Then stood up. And I stood up also. I threw our trash away.

"Yeah she is." I said as we were walking out of the food court to get maturity clothes.

I wonder what she's getting Lars. They are so cute together.


"I'm home!!!!" I yelled once I walked in with my many shopping bags.

My mom was on her laptop in the living room.

"Hello sweetie, how was your shopping day with the girls?" She asked me.

Then looked at me with her glasses on and smiled at me.

"Good, Farrah decided on Carter Aiden Fowl as the name." I said looking through my bags.

My mom closed her laptop and crossed her legs.

"That's a cute name." She said leaning back on the couch.

My mom looks like one of those high class moms right now.

And it's scaring the hell out of me.

"Yeah, well I'm going to put my new stuff away." I said.

Then grabbed my bags and went upstairs into my bedroom.

After I put my new clothes away, I decide to call Kasden.

"Hey beautiful. I'm glad you called. It's so boring here at work right now." He said.

Awhh he called me beautiful!!! Okay calm down Arielle.

Don't freak him out.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I said coughing.

I heard some talking in the background. OMG I hope be doesn't get yelled at.

"Yeah, so babe what does Farrah want to name the boy? Ryder is here and he is really anxious. Farrah won't tell him yet." He said.

I sighed. He better be a good secret keeper.

"Okay, promise me you won't tell him. Promise?" I asked while biting my bottom lip.

I heard him chuckle. Damn that hot voice.

"Yes babe, I promise I won't tell Ryder. Boyfriends honor." He said.

I just rolled my eyes. I can't handle his hotness sometimes  I just can't.

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